Linked server hangs

  • Hi all,

    I have server A linked with server B with linked server. I have added llinked server using a remote user "Report" that is used for authentication.




    A Server    SQLOLEDB        SQL Server    A Server         NULL                NULL       NULL


    Linked Server    Local Login   Is Self Mapping Remote Login

    ---------------- ------------- --------------- --------------

    A Server            NULL                0             report

    From time to time I get into a blocking situation. I cannot query anything on server B. The only thing I have found is to restart service of server B.

    In query analyzer I can query server A ( connected to server A ). I can query server B ( connected to server B ). But when I query server A using the linked server I get an infinte process ( I have timeout set to 0 ). It seams that leinked server is wait for a lock to be released but that is not the problem because I have tried issuing SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READUNCOMMITTED and the query still hang.

    I have no more clues on where to look please help


  • Can you test it with a very simple query, specifying a timeout if necessary?

    Start a trace with sql profiler on the linked server and look how far the query got.


  • More Info :


    On server A I can query a single table a time. But when I try to join 2 specific tables it will not resume. On server B I can run the joined query with no troubles

    If I create 2 new tables and query both and join them it works. On server A and B.



  • Thanks for the info. So the problem is reduced to a specific table.

    Not sure if SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READUNCOMMITTED  propagates to a linked server.

    If you use the sql profiler, can you trace your query to the specific table?

    Do the tables have an index on the join/where-statement?

  • I tried SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READUNCOMMITTED  with no succes That was my first guest )

    Now the 2 new tables I created cannot be joined.

    Index yes. Can it be related ?

    Guess what now the table I created with 3 row in it cannot be self joined. Wow this puzzel me. I can query it

    SELECT a FROM testTable  -- works

    SELECT a.a FROM testTable a INNER JOIN testTable b ON a.a = b.a -- does not work 


  • SELECT a FROM testTable  -- works

    SELECT a.a FROM testTable a INNER JOIN testTable b ON a.a = b.a -- does not work 

    Is there an error message or what do you mean with does not work?

  • When I say it does not work I mean that the query will just hang.

    I am querying a table with 3 rows. It should not take more then a nanosecond

    I have to cancel the query after a few minutes because it will never come back.

    I have traced the the query

    I know it will look ugly but here it goes

    ************** selecting from a single table *****************

    TraceStart           2006-02-06 13:42:00.573 

    SQL:BatchStarting select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    SQL:StmtStarting select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Acquired  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin    0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    Lock:Released  SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    SQL:StmtCompleted select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin 0 7 0 109 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.680 

    SQL:BatchCompleted select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin 953 15 0 343 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:42:09.447 

    ************ I have then tried to select from the table with a self join ***********************

    SQL:BatchStarting set parseonly on

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.073 

    SQL:BatchCompleted set parseonly on

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin 0 0 0 0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.073 

    SQL:BatchStarting select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123 a

    inner join Server a.myDataBasedbo.test123 b on  a.a = b.a

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.103 

    SQL:BatchCompleted select * from Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123 a

    inner join Server a.myDataBasedbo.test123 b on  a.a = b.a

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin 0 0 0 0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.103 

    SQL:BatchStarting set parseonly off

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.213 

    SQL:BatchCompleted set parseonly off

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin 0 0 0 0 2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:07.213 

    SQL:BatchStarting select * from Server a.myDataBasedbo.test123 a

    inner join Server a.myDataBase.dbo.test123 b on  a.a = b.a

     SQL Query Analyzer myLogin myDomain\myLogin     2436 189 2006-02-06 13:43:10.010 

    ********* A few locks acquired but Batch completed never obtained **************

    Thank you very much for time

  • That is really weird.

    What is the service pack of sql server & your client tools?

    OS is up to date?

    Any antivirus software present?

  • Anti virus fully updated regulary OS updated too.

    I have to admit that I am still on SP3

    I am think about not sleeping tonigh and get this done.

    I rarely get the chance to put this server down. I might have some opportunity during the night

    Thanks for your support


  • You're welcome.

    Make sure the antivirus isn't scanning the ldf, mdf,ndf files.

  • I have restarted both servers. The problem goes away when I get to this weird locking.

    I had to, some reports needed for upper management. So now I do not have the problem anymore and can't investigate.

    I keep an eye on this. When I comes back I'll make more test.

    Thank for everyones attention.


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