Linked Server from Cluster Win2003 servers (sql 2000) to Win2003 server ( sql 2005)

  • My source servers is Window 2003 using sql 2000 server and my destination server is Window 2003 using sql 2005. 

    My source servers is cluster servers and I have granted the network dtc access from component services and I have enabled the network dtc access from window components as well for all the cluster servers ( 2 of them) and in my destination server as well.


    But it is still not workingโ€ฆ for some reason.

    I am trying to insert data from my source sql db table to the desination sql db table using the linked server and I am getting the following error message..


    The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.


    Do you guys have any idea what I should try?


    Thanks in advance.

  • maybe you should have a look at;en-us;906954


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  • I already followed the steps suggested in above articles..

    not working...

  • did you configure MSDTC ? dcomcnfg.exe


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  • how do you configure MSDTC?


    I  tried with non-cluster window 2003 server to non-cluster window 2003 server. and it is working!

    when it is cluster window 2003 to non-cluster window 2003 sever, it doesn't work!!! 

  • You need to run comclust.exe, which configures MSDTC on a cluster server.


  • did you add/alter the registry-key ?

    Be carefull when messing with the registry !!! (backup before !)

    -- HOWTO: Enable DTC Between Web Servers and SQL Servers Running Windows Server 2003 


    declare @DosCmd varchar(500)

    Set @DosCmd = 'ver'

    SET nocount ON

    CREATE TABLE #tmpMsver (line varchar(8000))

    insert into #tmpMsver

    exec master..xp_cmdshell  @DosCmd

    if exists (select *

      from #tmpMsver

      where line like '%Microsoft Windows _Version 5.2%')


     -- print @@servername + ' W2k3'


     declare @NewSQLArg varchar(50)

     declare @NumericValue int

     set @NumericValue = 1

     create table #tmpRegValues (Value varchar(50), Data varchar(1000))

     insert into #tmpRegValues

     exec master..xp_instance_regenumvalues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC'


     -- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then Microsoft.

     -- 3. Right-click on MSDTC, point to Add, then select DWORD Value.

     -- 4. Rename the key from the default New Value #1 to TurnOffRpcSecurity.

     -- 5. Double-click the new key and change the value to 1.


     if not exists (select * from #tmpRegValues where Value ='TurnOffRpcSecurity' and Data = '1')


        print @@servername + ' Key TurnOffRpcSecurity toevoegen'

        --Bepalen volgende SQLArg.

        set @NewSQLArg = 'TurnOffRpcSecurity'

        --print @NewSQLArg

        -- exec xp_instance_regwrite -- N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC', @NewSQLArg, N'REG_DWORD', '1'

        exec xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',





        Print 'Allow Distributed transactions' -- (W2K3 rtm)

        -- alternate path DcomCnfg \ Component Services \ Computers \ My computer (rechtsklikken \ Properties \ MSDTC)

      exec xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',






      exec xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',






      exec xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',






      -- XaTransactions for DB2 and Oracle communication 

      exec xp_instance_regwrite @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',








        print @@servername + ' key already installed'

        select cast(@@servername as char(25)) as ServerNaam, *

      from #tmpRegValues

      where Value ='TurnOffRpcSecurity'


     drop table #tmpRegValues




     print @@servername + ' No W2k3 - Key not applicable'


    drop table #tmpMsver


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