Linked Server fails to Win2K3 / Sql Server 2K

  • I need to link a SQL 7.0 server on NT4.0 (server A) to SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2003 (server B). The servers are on seperate domains (although there is a 2 way trust).

    When linking to the server B as "sa" I get "Error 17: SQL Server does not exist or access is denied.". sa account is fine - I can connect via QA.

    I'm using Named Pipes, TCP/IP and multiprotocol on both.

    I have several servers of similar configuration and all provide the same results. I can link server A to another server of a similar configuration to that of Server A, infact I can also link it to a SQL 2000 server running on NT4.0

    Has anyone come across this scenario?


  • This article is not relevant. I don't get this error and I don't get to the stage where I'm running at distributed transaction.

    I have since resolved the issue which came down to Local Security Policy.

    Thanks anyway,


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