Linked server error

  • I created a linked server between two SQL servers, they are not on the same subnet, I specified IP address and port with SQL login account on the source server, and I got error message 'Error 17: SQL server does not exist or access denied.'

    I can created linked server to the same destination SQL server from any other source servers without a problem.

  • Try adding an alias from the Client Netword utility specifying the ip server adress in the server name.

    And then re create the linked server with the alias name.

  • Tried alias, it returned same error message. Does something related to firewall?

  • Ask your network guys if there is a firewall between the machines and if there is what ports are open, they should also check to see if there are any denys on those ports. If the firewall exists, ask them to open a couple of ports for the sql.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Often it is useful to use xp_cmdshell and look at the results. In this example, can you ping the machine, try a traceroute see where it goes.

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • A ping and traceroute might give results that show you can access the server, however you have to bear in mind that it's possible that those ports are open throught the firewall and 1433 is closed.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • At the very least you can give your network people/person the information from traceroute and say 'this is the route I need to traverse with port 1433'.

    They may know if there is a firewall or other device along the route causing problems.

  • Does both servers run same level of MDAC (if you are using OLE DB provider) ? I had same problem, but after sync-up MDAC problem went away.

  • Can you open a Query Analyzer session to targeted linked server from console of this particular server ?  

    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

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