Linked Server Creation Stalling

  • I am trying to create a linked server to a MySQL server. My SQL box has the MySQL 5.2 ODBC drivers installed. This SQL Server installation has two instances on it FlyingAce2008 and Morrow2008, both are running SQL Server 2008.

    I can create my linked server just fine on the FlyingAce2008 instance, but when I go to set it up on the Morrow2008 instance, with the exact same settings as the FlyingAce2008, I click OK and the green circle animation just sit there and spins and I cannot stop or close the Link Server Properties dialog box without opening the task manager and killing Management Studio.

    I don't understand why I can set it up just fine on one instance, but when I go to set up the link server on the other instance using the exact same properties, management studio hangs. Why look under my Linked Servers, it shows up, but when I test the connection Management Studio hangs. Any ideas?

  • What happens if you script out the changes and try it without the gui?

    Any error messages in the mysql.err log?

  • I am able to create the linked server via script, but when I drill into Catalogs, by clicking the "+", management studio just hangs and does not give me any errors. Management studio also hangs when I try to execute a simple select like: SELECT* from [TO_NB_MYVR].[dev_myvr]..[morrow_case_management].

  • There is someone reporting a MSSQL crash with the MySQL 5.2.2 ODBC driver here:

    What are the differences between the 2 MSSQL servers? Is one 32bit vs 64bit?

    Any errors in any of the SQL error logs, windows event logs?

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