Linked server

  • I have two servers ser1,ser2. I linked ser2 to ser1. I mapped sql logins it worked fine. But I have a NT Trusted Login accouts\vishal In both the servers with sysadmin permissions. I mapped this login to ser2 by checking Impersonate checkbox. How can map same NT login names in linked servers.

  • If I'm understanding your question right, you have the following situation:

    Ser1 linked to Ser2.

    Impersonate authentication.

    Using NT authentication.

    And you are seeing a failure.

    Are you trying to access the linked server from a third computer, like a client workstation? Say:








    If so, this is not allowed. This is what is known as a "double hop" which is prohibited for NT authentication. We not only see this with linked servers, but in any environment where we are trying to pass through NT credentials. I know this was done for security reasons and is rather frustrating for those of us trying to implement solutions.

    Here's a Microsoft Knowledge Base article which describes the details with regards to SQL Server:;EN-US;q238477

    If this isn't the issue, could you post the exact error?

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

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