Linked report Query

  • I am creating an SSRS report which has 5 columns containing information of total # students who apply to apply for a particular program, out of those who qualify based on scores, etc.

    The aggregate in each column comes from different student table.

    so the format is like:

    Total Applied Direct eligible total reviewed total denied total accepted

    1152 234 178 23 155

    Now the user want to see the name and address of students when they click on the total in each column.

    The total in each column comes from different table and I can create reports to select the students for each column and link the column to each students report but that means for this report I need to create 5 additional reports in SSRS.

    I need to create 10 aggregate reports of these type, so that means I need to create 50 additional student report to link with each column in each aggregate report.

    Is there any other way possible to reduce the number of reports?

    Thanks in advance!!


  • Do you have any control over the underlying database? The fact that you have a bunch of data coming from different tables makes me wonder if if they underlying design is right. At any rate, if you can created stored procedures, you can merge all the data together into a single table (or two) if you create temporary tables inside your stored procedure and insert records from the five tables into it.

  • Yes, I can create the temp table to get all the data into temp table but for the user to be able to click on each total # column to see the details of students and export that result into excel, do I need to create 5 separate reports and link to each column aggregate ?



  • Also there are 2 similar kind of report with these fields prelim and final. Can I use parameters for the users to select prelim and final report and then display the report accordingly?

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