Link Server Security

  • Server 1 - Windows Server 2003

    SQL Server 2000 (LinkServer1 connect to \\Server2\FoxPro.dbc)

    Server 2 - Windows Server 2000

    SQL Server 2000


    Client1 - SQL 2000

    SERVER 1 TO SERVER 2 (One Hop)

    OpenQuery from Server 1 can access to \\Server2\FoxPro.dbc and get the results

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LinkServer1 , 'SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustNo = "xxxx"')

    However; this query doesn't work:

    SELECT * FROM LinkServer1...Customers WHERE CustNo = 'xxxx'

    Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    OLE DB provider 'LinkServer1' does not contain table 'Customers'. The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.

    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName='PROAPP', TableName='members'].


    Client 1 TO LinkServer1 (Client1 TO SERVER1 TO SERVER2 - Two Hops)

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LinkServer1 , 'SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustNo = "xxxx"')

    SELECT * FROM LinkServer1...Customers WHERE CustNo = 'xxxx'

    Server: Msg 7303, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'VFPOLEDB.1'.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: Invalid path or file name.]

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'VFPOLEDB.1' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80040e21].

    Anyone can help me to set LinkServer and DCOM security settings?

  • i think in this query (SELECT * FROM LinkServer1...Customers WHERE CustNo = 'xxxx') you have to use full identifier\qualifier, dots in between LinkServer1...Customers will not help.

  • Question 1:

    I believe FoxPro does not support full object qualification, server.db.owner(schema).table. I believe you just want server.db.table.

    Question 2:

    I don't think you can access a linked server through a linked server. I have never tried it, but I don't think it will or should work.

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