Link Server

  • i am retrieving data from oracle and trying to put the result set into a temp table but the insert into the temp table does not work. the oracle query does work. i tried using memory,global and temp tables with no success. i also made sure the data transaction is turned on in the servers and my local computer. example of the code:


    ('select p.pon, pon_sales_rep, p.pon_macnum

    from (select pon, max(pon_ver) as pon_ver from local_pon group by pon) p2 join local_pon p on p2.pon=p.pon and p2.pon_ver = p.pon_ver

    where pon_status =''7''') AT CUSTOMER;

  • What doesn't work?

    Can you create the table and then insert?

    create table #sss

    insert #sss exec ()

  • the oracle statement works fine (i ran it separetly in sql 2005). but when i run the script as a whole in SQL 2005 i get his error "Incorrect syntax near the work execute" instead of using open query i am using EXEC.

  • i did createa temp table and a global table but when i try to insert the data i get eh error incorrect syntax near execute

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