LineHeight issue

  • Hi,

    I've got a report that has a table, with 2 different levels of indent, populated by a dataset that contains 2 fields Description and DescriptionLevel. The Level field is used to determine what level of indent to use. Level 1 would give me a bullet with the text then in column 2, Level 2 would give me a smaller bullet in column 2 with the text in column 3. The table has 3 columns as below

    My top row (Level 1) has column 2 and 3 merged.


    - > -- Level 1 Description -

    - -- > -- Level 2 Description -

    - > -- Level 1 Description -

    - > -- > -- Level 2 Description -


    My data is returned like this :-

    Description DescriptionLevel

    Level 1 Description 1

    Level 2 Description 2

    Level 1 Description 1

    Level 2 Description 2

    I set the LineHeight value on the row to be either

    =iif(Fields!DescriptionLevel.Value= 1, "0.6cm", "0cm")


    =iif(Fields!DescriptionLevel.Value= 2, "0.6cm", "0cm")

    depending on the line, and I display the correct data at the right level of indent - The problem is even though I have set the lineHeight to 0cm where the data is at the other level, I still get a blank line in its place, with the effect that everything looks doubles spaced

    Any ideas?



  • Not sure what I was thinking here - I just set the Row Visibility - much easier 🙂

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