Linear Regression

  • Does SQL Server or Analysis Services have the ability to do Linear Regression?

    If yes, how do I do this? If no, what tools are there that can be utilized.

    Thanks in advance.

  • There's a bunch of MDX functions to do Lineair regression calculations. Check BOL for LinRegPoint, LinRegIntercept and so on.

  • Yes I found them. Thanks. However, how do I get these out into a line chart showing the actual movement? This part of it is very confusing to me.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  • This is an old topic, but I recently had to produce a Regression Line in SSAS 2005 for several measures for the previous 28 days. After many days of work, I solved the problem. See if this helps you:


    YesterdaysDateID =

    VBA!DateDiff("d", '<Day 1 in the Date Dimension>', VBA![Date]())

    --NOTE: this assumes the key is the day number, which is BTW the R Kimball recommended method

    LINREGPOINT(RANK([<Date Dimension Name>].[<Desired Level Name>].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(<No of Pds to go back>,

    StrToMember('[<Date Dimension Name>].[<Desired Level Name>].&[' + VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID]) + ']'))),

    LastPeriods(<No of Pds to go back>,

    StrToMember('[<Date Dimension Name>].[<Desired Level Name>].&['+ VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']')),

    [Measures].[<Desired Measure>],

    RANK([<Date Dimension Name>].[<Desired Level Name>].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(<No of Pds to go back>,

    StrToMember('[<Date Dimension Name>].[<Desired Level Name>].&[' + VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']'))))

    --Formula in SSAS for a LSRL that is for the last 28 complete days

    YesterdaysDateID =

    VBA!DateDiff("d", '1/1/06', VBA![Date]())

    LINREGPOINT(RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[' + VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID]) + ']'))),

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&['+ VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']')),

    [Measures].[Work Orders],

    RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[' + VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']'))))

    --Hardcoded equivalent for 6/1/10 with a dw for which Day 1 is 1/1/06:

    LINREGPOINT(RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, [Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[1612])),

    LastPeriods(28, [Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[1612]),

    [Measures].[Work Orders],

    RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, [Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[1612])))

    --Test in SQL Server Management Studio as MDX Statement

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[YesterdaysDateID] AS

    VBA!DateDiff("d", '1/1/06', VBA![Date]())

    MEMBER [Measures].[OrderCountVariance] AS

    LINREGPOINT(RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[' + VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID]) + ']'))),

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&['+ VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']')),

    [Measures].[Work Orders],

    RANK([Creation Date].[Creation Date].CurrentMember,

    LastPeriods(28, StrToMember('[Creation Date].[Creation Date].&[' + VBA!Cstr(VBA!Cstr([Measures].[YesterdaysDateID])) + ']'))))

    SELECT [Measures].[OrderCountVariance] ON COLUMNS,

    [Creation Date].[Creation Date].Members on rows

    FROM [Work Orders]

    --WHERE LastPeriods(-4, [Creation Date].[Creation Weeks Passed].&[1])

    --Note the where clause should be something, although the above may not work for you;

    otherwise if you have a lot of days and/or items to measure, the query may take awhile.

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