line numbering

  • I need to number lines for which I can not use the identity column to populate.


    Doc No                Line No

    1                        1

    1                        2

    2                        1

    2                        2


    etc... The doc no I have but I need to populate the Line No. I know I could build a cursor for this but this could grow to hundreds of thousand of doc no i would be processing. I am newbie so be gentle




  • This is something that you should do at the client if this is for presentation purpusses only.

    Why are you trying to do this?

  • I am trying to massage tables from a vendors file and map it over to a system that I support that requires line numbering.

  • I couldn't figure out a way to do this without an identity, but here are my results

    create table #t (ids int identity(1,1), value int)

    insert into #t

    select 1

    union all

    select 1

    union all

    select 2

    union all

    select 3

    union all

    select 3

    union all

    select 3

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS NO, v.value

    FROM #t v CROSS JOIN #t a

    WHERE a.value=v.value

    and v.ids <= a.ids

    GROUP BY v.value,v.ids

    ORDER BY v.value, 1, v.ids

    set nocount off

    drop table #t


    I agree with Remi, this would be better suited with a client tool.




  • Check out my first post on this Thread (final update from (select))

  • /* Just for the heck of doing it using a cursor. */

    /* Data */


    DECLARE @Document TABLE


    DocumentID INT,

    DoumentDetails  VARCHAR(25)


    INSERT @Document VALUES (1, 'Details 1 A')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (1, 'Details 1 B')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (1, 'Details 1 C')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (2, 'Details 2 A')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (2, 'Details 2 B')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (2, 'Details 2 C')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (2, 'Details 2 D')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (3, 'Details 3 A')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (4, 'Details 4 A')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (4, 'Details 4 B')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (4, 'Details 4 C')

    INSERT @Document VALUES (5, 'Details 5 A')


    /* Solution */

    DECLARE @Results TABLE


    DocumentID INT,

    DocumentLineNo INT,

    DoumentDetails  VARCHAR(25)


    DECLARE @DocumentID INT

       DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR

       SELECT DISTINCT DocumentID FROM @Document

       OPEN myCursor

       FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor INTO @DocumentID




     INSERT @Results

     SELECT A.DocumentID, Rank = count(*), A.DoumentDetails

     FROM @Document A

     JOIN @Document B

     ON CONVERT(VARCHAR,A.DocumentID) + A.DoumentDetails >= CONVERT(VARCHAR,B.DocumentID) + B.DoumentDetails

     AND A.DocumentID = @DocumentID AND B.DocumentID = @DocumentID

     GROUP BY A.DocumentID, A.DoumentDetails

     ORDER BY 1

     FETCH NEXT FROM myCursor INTO @DocumentID



       CLOSE myCursor

       DEALLOCATE myCursor

    SELECT * FROM @Results

    ORDER BY 1, 2


  • Just for the heck of shooting you down to make sure he never uses this crappy (performing) solution.

  • You said to go easy, so I will try to describe the solution in words first.

    To create line numbering, you first have to decide how to assign line numbers (how do you know which line is number 1?). Then using these conditions you can assign unique number (let's call it RNUMB) to every row, in correct order... and then calculate the line number for each line of a document by taking the RNUMB of this row and subtracting the lowest RNUMB with the same document number. Don't forget to add 1 to the result, if you want to number lines from 1 (not from 0). Or you can calculate the line number the way Greg mentioned, that is by counting, how many lines there are, which are classified as less than the actual line. Especially in this case, you need to be sure every single row is unique in the ordering criteria... if you have several rows with the same ordering value, then you have a problem.

    And now an example:

    /*OK, so you have a table input_data, and you need to number lines somehow...let's say alphabetically, depending on the text.*/

    CREATE TABLE input_data(doc_no INT NOT NULL, sometext VARCHAR(256))

    INSERT INTO input_data values (1,'blabla')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (1,'heyboy')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (1,'antares')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (1,'88856')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (2,'pump')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (3,'John')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (3,'Carl')

    INSERT INTO input_data values (3,'Hugo')

    /*make a temporary table to assign unigue IDENTITY number*/

    CREATE TABLE #ord (RNUMB INT IDENTITY (1,1), doc_no INT NOT NULL, line_no INT, sometext VARCHAR(256))

    /*insert data ordered alphabethically inside each document*/

    INSERT INTO #ord(doc_no, sometext)

    SELECT * FROM input_data ORDER BY doc_no, sometext

    /*now assign the line numbers*/

    UPDATE o

    SET line_no = RNUMB - (select min(RNUMB) from #ord where doc_no = o.doc_no) + 1

    FROM #ord o

    SELECT * from #ord

    DROP TABLE input_data

    DROP TABLE #ord

    HTH, Vladan

  • May not necessarily apply to question listed, but to dynamically number rows, you can do self join.


    Good examples

  • Next SQL will contain OLAP function ROW_NUMBER()

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