Line Drawing Extended ASCII characters in Text Field

  • Gentlemen,  I am trying to insert (and retrieve)  extended ascii line drawing characters into a text field.  It seems that no matter what I do, the characters are translated into other characters.  I've fumbled around with codepages a bit with no results.  Can anyone help?

  • Can you post what you've got so far?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,  Thanks for the quick Reply! 


    Basically, this is what I need to do.


    UPDATE SomeTable
        TextField = N'+'

      what seems to happen is that I get a '+' symbol instead.

  • You want something like this ?

    declare @stmt varchar(11)

    set @stmt = 'Hello World'

    select N'' + @stmt


    Hello World

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Sorry, note the double ' sign. Doesn't come out clearly.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,  What I'm trying to do is to insert ASCII line drawing chacters into a text field and then retrieve and display them later.  I'm using Cold Fusion as an application server.   I am able to generate a string with the characters correct, then after I save that string to the text field, it seems that the characters are converted into other chacters.  Some of them resemble the characters I tried to save, others don't.  Does that make any sense?

  • Ok, that sounds different. Not quite sure if I understand now, but would a look at CHAR and/or ASCII in BOL help?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks Frank,  I'll check.  I feel so stupid asking this question because it seems so easy, but I'll be darned if I can figure it out!

  • Played a little bit around with it.

    set nocount on

    if object_id('ascii_art') is not null

     drop table ascii_art


    create table ascii_art( col1 varchar(5))


    insert into ascii_art (col1) values(ascii('|'))

    insert into ascii_art (col1) values(ascii('|'))

    select char(col1) from ascii_art

    --select char(ascii('|')) +char(10)+  char(ascii('|'))

    drop table ascii_art

    set nocount off





    If it is that what you want, may I ask why and what for?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,


    Thats pretty close,  My field is a text field.  I wonder if that has something to do with it?  The reason for wanting to insert linedrawing codes is that I have a customer that is accustomed to seeing a result with a 'graphical' representation of data.  This representation consists of  some basic ASCII extended characters.  This customer is using a legacy system that used the IBM character set that used the upper 128 chacters as graphic characters.  the results are something like this.






    I was able to replicate this in Cold Fusion and had the string ready to save to the database, but so far, I haven't been able to store the data.

  • Interesting,  when I previewed my last post, the characters were displayed properly, but when I posted it, EXACTLY the same type of character conversion took place!

  • Don't take me too serious on that, but you should tell your customer in a polite and kind way that we live in the 21th century and that PC have evolved and he should not stick to mainframe graphics.

    You shouldn't try to do this winthin the DB. If he insists on that, do this at the client. I have once tried to do this for a *better* representation of data in QA. Here it is:


    DECLARE @col_name char( 255 ),

     @out  char( 255 ),

     @head         char( 80 ),

     @pad         char( 80 ),

     @tab  char( 30 ),

     @r_byte         char( 30 ),

     @tmp_dat char( 30 ),

     @tmp_str char( 30 ),

     @t_kb         char( 30 )

    DECLARE @t_db_size numeric( 10, 0 ),

     @r_count numeric( 10, 0 )

    DECLARE @col_length int,

     @t_col         int,

     @t_col_size int,

     @t_tab  int,

     @pad_1  int,

     @pad_2  int,

     @t_rows int,

     @c_count int,

     @c_size int,

     @r_size int,

     @tabID         int,

     @l  int

    DECLARE @ende  bit

    SELECT @col_length = 0,

     @t_col = 0,

     @t_col_size = 0,

     @t_tab = 0,

     @t_db_size = 0,

     @pad_1 = 0,

     @pad_2 = 0,

     @t_rows = 0,

     @c_count = 0,

     @r_count = 0,

     @c_size = 0

    SELECT @pad = '                                                                  '

    SELECT @head = 'Report für '

     + RTRIM( DB_Name() )

     + ' Stand: '

     + RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 19 ), GetDate() ) )

    SELECT @pad_1 = ( ROUND( ( 79 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @head ) ) ), 0 ) / 2 )

    SELECT @pad_2 = @pad_1

    IF ( ( ( @pad_1 * 2 ) + DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @head ) ) ) > 78 )


         SELECT @pad_2 = @pad_1 - 2


    SELECT @out = '['

     + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, @pad_1 )

     + RTRIM( @head )

     + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, @pad_2 )

     + ']'

    PRINT '==============================================================================='

    PRINT @out

    PRINT '==============================================================================='

    PRINT '| Tabelle                      | Spalten | Grösse| Zeilen  | Bytes            |'

    PRINT '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------'


     SELECT Name,


     FROM SysObjects

     WHERE Type = 'U'

     ORDER BY Name

    OPEN TableScan

    FETCH NEXT FROM TableScan INTO @tab,


    WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )


         DECLARE ColumnScan CURSOR FOR

          SELECT Length

          FROM SysColumns

          WHERE ID = @tabID

         OPEN ColumnScan

         FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnScan INTO @col_length

         WHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 )


          SELECT @c_count = @c_count + 1

          SELECT @c_size = @c_size + @col_length

          FETCH NEXT FROM ColumnScan INTO @col_length


         DEALLOCATE ColumnScan

         SELECT @r_count = MAX( Rows )

         FROM SysIndexes

         WHERE ID= @tabID

         AND ( IndID = 0 OR IndID = 1 )

         SELECT @t_col = @t_col + @c_count

         SELECT @t_rows= @t_rows+ @r_count

         SELECT @r_size = @r_count * @c_size

     SELECT @r_byte = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 30 ), ROUND( ( @r_size ), 0 ) ) )

     IF ( PATINDEX( '%.%', @r_byte ) > 0 )


      SELECT @r_byte = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @r_byte, 1, ( PATINDEX( '%.%', @r_byte ) - 1 ) ) )




      SELECT @r_byte = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @r_byte, 1, DATALENGTH( @r_byte ) ) )


     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( @r_byte ),

      @tmp_str  = ''

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     SELECT @ende = 0

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

      SELECT @ende = 1


     WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = ','

         + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

      SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

      IF ( @l <= 3 )


       SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

          + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

       SELECT @ende = 1



         SELECT @t_col_size = @t_col_size + @c_size

         SELECT @t_db_size = @t_db_size + @r_size

         SELECT @t_tab = @t_tab + 1

         SELECT @out = '| '

          + RTRIM( @tab )

          + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 29 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tab ) ) ) )

          + '| '

          + RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @c_count ) )

          + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 8 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @c_count ) ) ) ) )

          + '| '

          + RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @c_size ) )

          + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 6 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @c_size ) ) ) ) )

          + '| '

          + RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @r_count ) )

          + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 8 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @r_count ) ) ) ) )

          + '| '

          + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

          + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 17 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_str ) ) ) )

          + '|'

         PRINT @out

         SELECT @col_length = 0,

          @c_count = 0,

          @c_size = 0,

          @r_count = 0,

          @r_size = 0

         FETCH NEXT FROM TableScan INTO @tab,



    DEALLOCATE TableScan

    PRINT '==============================================================================='

    PRINT '[                                  Gesamt                                     ]'

    PRINT '==============================================================================='

    SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @t_tab ) ),

     @tmp_str  = ''

    SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

    SELECT @ende = 0

    IF ( @l <= 3 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

     SELECT @ende = 1


    WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = ','

        + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

        + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @ende = 1



    SELECT @out = '[ Tabellen    ] : '

      + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 60 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_str ) ) ) )

      + '|'

    PRINT @out

    SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @t_col ) ),

     @tmp_str  = ''

    SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

    SELECT @ende = 0

    IF ( @l <= 3 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

     SELECT @ende = 1


    WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = ','

        + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

        + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @ende = 1



    SELECT @out = '[ Spalten     ] : '

      + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 60 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_str ) ) ) )

      + '|'

    PRINT @out

    SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @t_col_size ) ),

     @tmp_str  = ''

    SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

    SELECT @ende = 0

    IF ( @l <= 3 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

     SELECT @ende = 1


    WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = ','

        + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

        + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @ende = 1



    SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 8 ), @t_rows ) ),

     @tmp_str  = ''

    SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

    SELECT @ende = 0

    IF ( @l <= 3 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

     SELECT @ende = 1


    WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = ','

        + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

        + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @ende = 1



    SELECT @t_kb = RTRIM( CONVERT( char( 20 ), ROUND( ( @t_db_size / 1024 ), 0 ) ) )

    SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @t_kb, 1, ( PATINDEX( '%.%', @t_kb ) - 1 ) ) ),

     @tmp_str  = ''

    SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

    SELECT @ende = 0

    IF ( @l <= 3 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( @tmp_dat )

     SELECT @ende = 1


    WHILE ( @ende = 0 )


     SELECT @tmp_str = ','

        + RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, @l - 2, 3 ) )

        + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

     SELECT @tmp_dat = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l - 3 ) )

     SELECT @l = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_dat ) )

     IF ( @l <= 3 )


      SELECT @tmp_str = RTRIM( SUBSTRING( @tmp_dat, 1, @l ) )

         + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      SELECT @ende = 1



    SELECT @out = '[ Gesamtgrösse] : '

      + RTRIM( @tmp_str )

      + ' KB'

      + SUBSTRING( @pad, 1, ( 57 - DATALENGTH( RTRIM( @tmp_str ) ) ) )

      + '|'

    PRINT @out

    PRINT '==============================================================================='


    The Output looks like


    [            Report für FRANK_PLAYGROUND Stand: Mär  1 2004  1:30PM           ]


    | Tabelle                      | Spalten | Grösse| Zeilen  | Bytes            |


    | Avgs                         | 4       | 28    | 6       | 168              |

    | def                          | 3       | 19    | 1       | 19               | 

    | dtproperties                 | 7       | 857   | 0       | 0                |

    | FUNWITHNULLS                 | 5       | 73    | 4       | 292              |

    | idt                          | 1       | 4     | 1       | 4                |

    | test_q                       | 3       | 9     | 4       | 36               |


    [                                  Gesamt                                     ]


    [ Tabellen    ] : 6                                                           |

    [ Spalten     ] : 23                                                          |

    [ Gesamtgrösse] : 1 KB                                                        |


    Don't look at the code, I'm ashamed, but it uses a cursor

    For ASCII art this is nice

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You seem pretty familiar with the ASCII table, so you might want to look at saving your characters as integers and using char() and ascii() to display and store, respectively.

    Look those functions up in BOL and I think you'll find an acceptable answer to what you're wanting to do.

  • Forgot to mention, I would venture a guess that the "conversion" you're seeing is the difference between ANSI characters and ASCII characters. I believe SQL Server works with the ANSI character set by default, so when you hand it a character it looks at it as ANSI. If it's an ASCII character that doesn't have an ANSI equivalent then it would likely get translated into the closest match or whatever.

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