Limited IP addresses?

  • We moved to a new server and loaded SQL Serever 2000 along with IIS. We have discovered that if we have more than 54 IP addresses active, we can not restart SQL Server. Drop under 55 and no problem. So far no one has been able to figure this out.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Orin R. Wells

    Kent, WA

    Orin R. Wells
    Kent, WA

  • Not generally a good idea to run on the same server. Still, thats an interesting problem. Do you get anything in the event log? SQL error log?


  • Yes, what we see in the log is just after the line containing the "using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'we get a stack dump message and all the joys that follow.

    Unfortunately, I have no clue how to use this to help diagnose the problem. Is there some setting in SQL Server 2000 that has anything to do with IP addresses? Just by adding this 55th IP address causes this to happen. It appears it can be ANY ip address.

    And, yes We know it would be nice to be able to afford a separate machine to run the SQL and one day we may be able to justify it. But we are a small operation that has to count the pennies.

    Orin R. Wells

    Kent, WA

    Orin R. Wells
    Kent, WA

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