limitation in comma separated text output file

  • I have a select query. The output required is in text file.

    But the output generated has data upto 256 characters.

    I have placed the data in comma separated with " as delimiter.

    I need the output in excel file each information in each cell.

    The output has the data cutted and incomplete.

    It will be useful, if any one replies. It is urgent.



  • It's a bit hard to tell exactly what the problem is from your description. If you are returning results to through the query analyzer , then copying and pasting the data into an excel sheet, check the setting in tools\options\results (which defaults to 256 characters), and increase it as needed. If you are trying to output to a delimited file with more than 256 columns, you're going to have a problem as Excel's limit is 256. Hope that helps.



  • You don't say what front end you are using that gives this problem - if it is Query Analyzer just use

    Tools/Options and adjust the Maximum Characters Per Column setting

    If it is a SQL DTS job this is a "known" issue and you need to go into disconnected edit mode and set the max characters per delimited column value of the connection for the CSV file

  • Thanks

    It was useful..

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