Limit of 8000

  • I have to make a dynamic query using the record sets of the cursor.

    The problem is size of the Dynamic Query goes beyond 8000.

    Can some one please tell me a solution.

    Here is the sample code


     SELECT B.PointIndexId, B.PointName, B.ConfigTableName, B.ServerId

     FROM IPM_Historian_EqpItmM2MPoints A, IPM_Historian_PointIndex B

     WHERE A.EquipmentItemId = @EquipmentItemId

     AND A.PointIndexId = B.PointIndexId

     AND  B.DigitalFlag = 0

     AND  B.DeletedFlag = 0

     OPEN PointName_Cur


     @PointIndexId, @PointName, @ConfigTableName, @ServerId


     SET @Query = ''



      IF @Query <> ''

       SET @Query = @Query + ' UNION '

      SET @Query = @Query + 'SELECT ISNULL(PointAlias,'''') AS PointAlias, ISNULL(Unit,'''') AS Unit,'+CAST(@PointIndexId AS VARCHAR)+' AS PointIndexId,'''+@PointName+''' AS PointName,'+CAST(@EquipmentItemId AS VARCHAR)+' AS EquipmentItemId FROM '+@ConfigTableName

      SET @Query = @Query + ' WHERE PointName = '''+@PointName+''' AND ServerId = '+CAST(@ServerId AS VARCHAR)

      FETCH NEXT FROM PointName_Cur INTO

      @PointIndexId, @PointName, @ConfigTableName, @ServerId

      print @Query

      print len (@Query)


     CLOSE PointName_Cur

     DEALLOCATE PointName_Cur

     IF @Query IS NOT NULL

      EXECUTE (@Query)



  • What exactly r u trying to accomplish in this stored proc?... I didn't see any reason to validate the use of a cursor in this case.

    Can you post the whole script and the task at hand.


    Erland also discusses there the use of both dynamic sql and cursors. Worth reading.

    Now, if you don't mind something undocumented, have a look here:


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • There are different configuration tables, which contains points.

    There are different Equipments and points are associated with Equipments.

    There is an Index Table which contains the Point Name with corresponding Configtable Name.

    Now the Cursor Gets the Information of the Points of an Equipment from the Index Table.

    And the Dynamic Query is build to get the information of the Point from its corresponding ConfigTable

    Now the problem is size of the Dynamic Query gets more than 8000

  • I still don't think you need a cursor and I would need DDL to write a set based solution. But to answer your question you can get around that limitation by using several variables like:

    exec (@var1 + @var2 + @var3)

    Remember: the size may be very large but not infinite



    * Noel

  • Your dynamic sql is a series of UNIONs. An alternative is to use a temp table. For each row of the cursor, execute sql to insert to the temp table. At the end of the procedure, use SELECT DISTINCT from the temp table.

    Of course the best option is to design the database so you don't need dynamic sql. Storing table names (ConfigTableName) in the data is the problem.

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