Limit data retrieved to a Matrix

  • I have a Matrix in reporting services which receives its data from a stored procedure,

    I want to limit the number of months displayed and use the remainder of the data to sum.

    EX:: I want to display the sum Hours worked by employee/month/location for the last 6 months and then sum the remainder of thier employment time.

    I am grouping on Location and Month.

    Any ideas.

  • Note sure you could do this with a matrix, but you could play games with a table and then use the RunningValues to populate each of the individual months based on the month the column contains.



  • After much research, mathematical manipulation is pretty much the limit of expressions used in a matrix.

    As David mentioned, you will have to do the data manipulation thru your queries and datasets.

    Thanks for all the help!

    The only way to Learn is to ASK!

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