Limit data retreived in a Matrix

  • I have a Matrix in reporting services which receives its data from a stored procedure,

    I want to limit the number of months displayed and use the remainder of the data to sum.

    EX:: I want to display the sum Hours worked by employee/month/location for the last 6 months and then sum the remainder of thier employment time.

    I am grouping on Location and Month.

    Any ideas.

  • you could "union" the 2 resultsets...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Is the stored procedure only used for this report?  Do you have permission to create stored procedures?  I did something similar recently and did as much work as possible in the stored procedure.  If you can alter the current stored procedure OR create a new stored procedure based on the current one, you can use CASE statements to trick(?) the output into thinking all the data outside the last 6 months is part of a 7th month (or maybe a 0(ZERO) month).  IIF statements in Reporting Services can look for this special value and display different headings/values.  This isn't a very detailed response, but maybe it's a starting point.



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