Like in SSIS

  • I am trying to search text :

    model like '%macbook%'
         or model like '%imac%'
         or model like '% mac %'
         or model like 'mac %'
         or model like '% mac'

    How can i  write this in SSIS expression ? Can anybody help please?

  • komal145 - Wednesday, July 5, 2017 2:22 PM

    I am trying to search text :

    model like '%macbook%'
         or model like '%imac%'
         or model like '% mac %'
         or model like 'mac %'
         or model like '% mac'

    How can i  write this in SSIS expression ? Can anybody help please?

    SSIS is not great when it comes to wildcards & there's no way I know of to do this. If FINDSTRING accepted wildcards, you'd be able to do it fairly easily.
    You can always script it, of course, much as you can script almost anything in SSIS.

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