left outer join with a where clause should display all the values in the left table

  • Hi,

    I am new to SQL queries..

    I have four tables..

    Master.ProductDatabase which contain the ProductName, MaterialID etc..

    Sales.DispatchDatabase which contain the DispatchID, DispatchDate, CustomerName etc..

    Sales.DispatchedProducts which contain DispatchID, MaterialID, Quantity..

    Stock.StockDatabase which contain MaterialID, Stock(current)

    I need a join query that connects the above three tables and give me the dispatch details based on the dispatch date.. so that I can add it to current stock and calculate the stock as on that particular date..

    The query that I have written is as follows:

    SELECT Master.ProductDatabase.ProductName, SUM(Sales.DispatchedProducts.Quantity) AS 'Dispatched'

    FROM Sales.DispatchDatabase INNER JOIN

    Sales.DispatchedProducts ON Sales.DispatchDatabase.DispatchID = Sales.DispatchedProducts.DispatchID RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    Master.ProductDatabase ON Sales.DispatchedProducts.MaterialID = Master.ProductDatabase.MaterialID

    WHERE (Sales.DispatchDatabase.InvoiceDate > '2009-07-04') OR

    (Sales.DispatchDatabase.InvoiceDate IS NULL)

    GROUP BY Master.ProductDatabase.ProductName

    Here all those products that are not dispatched after 4th July are not displayed in the query..

    while the query that i run for current stock gives all the products.. so i cannot compare them easily..

    Can I have a query that will display all the products and give a value = 0 if it is not dispatched after that particular date..

    I hope I have explained my doubt sufficiently.. if there is any additional information required please let me know..

    thanks alot!!



  • no response..

  • Hi,

    You would have a much greater chance of getting a response if you post ddls and sample data in a readily consummable format, along with the query you have already posted, and how the output differs from what you want, i.e provide a sample of what you expect based upon the sample data you provide. The following link gives you the information you would need to post to maximise your chance of getting a useful response: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/

    Hope this helps!

  • okay..

    well following is the example.. I have made my requirement more specific..

    this must help..

    I have two tables with unique product name column and different quantity..

    For eg:

    1st table has following values

    Product1 - "25"

    Product2 - "30"

    Product3 - "50"

    and my second table has following values

    Product2 - "20"

    Product3 - "23"

    Now I want a resulting select query that will give me the following result

    Product1 (=25 + 0) - "25"

    Product2 (=30 + 20) - "50"

    Product3 (=50 + 23) - "73"

    Please help..



  • extra information..

    the two tables that I am talking about are not physically present but they are created using a select statement..



  • Wow, that was a fast response! Did you have a chance to read the article I referenced above?

    Any chance of getting sample data and ddl (create table and insert statements) for each of the tables which make up the queries you are having problems with?



  • c.vaibhav (7/30/2009)

    extra information..

    the two tables that I am talking about are not physically present but they are created using a select statement..



    Yeah, I guessed that, I think you have only provided code for one of the select statements?

  • ohh.. thanks.. I got it done.. The query is:

    select t1.price + isnull(t2.price,0) as totalprice from table1 t1

    left outer join table2 t2 on t1.product=t2.product



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