Left Outer Join problem

  • If I run this query I get a single row as I specify a specific value for col2:

    select distinct col2, count(*)

    from table1 a, table2 b

    where a.col1 = b.col1

    and a.col2 = @val1

    However, I know that I have values in col1 in table1 which do not appear in col1 table2 so I need to exeute an outer join:

    select distinct col2, count(*)

    from table1 a left outer join table2 b

    on a.col1 = b.col1

    and a.col2 = @val1

    What I would expect is still a single row but a different number from the first query (where it includes rows where there is no corresponding value in table2).

    However, what I get is a list of all the different values of col2 with a count - in effect the last line of the query is ignored.

    Have I misunderstood the way outer joins work or is there something strange here?


  • What you should to use the left outer join is on the "on" part use the pkeys

    and the use where b.col1 is null, like this:

    select distinct col2, count(*)

    from table1 a left outer join table2 b

    on a.col1 = b.col1

    and a.col2 = b.col2

    where b.col1 is null

  • Obvious when you know how.


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