Left Join Killing Me

  • I'm a little late to the battle, but I'm fond of a saying...

    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That Original query is a Monster with lots of bits and pieces. The first thing I'd do is break it apart into more managable pieces. It's been my experience that a big, cool looking spiffy query doesn't do more than impress the less experienced. It's a nightmare to debug.

    1. Break it up into managable chunks.

    2. Check the plans for each chunk.

    3. Are you using Indexes (someone has to have suggested that by now).

    Just my $.02...


  • This is the last LEFT OUTER JOIN from your view:


    ON tcn.recid = (SELECT





    DsLocationCode = CAST(term.TerminalID AS VARCHAR)

    AND (sup.SupplierCode LIKE DsSupcode + '-%')


    What table is this table being joined to, and what column or columns are being used between these tables? The join above currently has no reference to any of the other tables in the FROM clause.

  • Lynn Pettis (5/24/2012)

    This is the last LEFT OUTER JOIN from your view:


    ON tcn.recid = (SELECT





    DsLocationCode = CAST(term.TerminalID AS VARCHAR)

    AND (sup.SupplierCode LIKE DsSupcode + '-%')


    What table is this table being joined to, and what column or columns are being used between these tables? The join above currently has no reference to any of the other tables in the FROM clause.

    This table is among the isolated ones. This is joined to itself but in the where clause if you see, it is compared with Terminal table(aka term) and supplier table(sup) so somehow it is linked to some other tables as well.



  • chandan_jha18 (5/24/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (5/24/2012)

    This is the last LEFT OUTER JOIN from your view:


    ON tcn.recid = (SELECT





    DsLocationCode = CAST(term.TerminalID AS VARCHAR)

    AND (sup.SupplierCode LIKE DsSupcode + '-%')


    What table is this table being joined to, and what column or columns are being used between these tables? The join above currently has no reference to any of the other tables in the FROM clause.

    This table is among the isolated ones. This is joined to itself but in the where clause if you see, it is compared with Terminal table(aka term) and supplier table(sup) so somehow it is linked to some other tables as well.



    The problem is that this last table appears to be doing a cartesian product (cross join) instead of being a left join. There is no criteria in the ON clause or the WHERE clause linking any data from MOC_DT.dbo.TCN_Xref to any of the tables declared in the FROM clause other than itself. The tables used in the subquery of the ON clause simply limit the records used from MOC_DT.dbo.TCN_Xref.

  • Here is the code from the initial post, formatted.

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_ScheduledReceipts]


    SELECT term.StateCode AS OriginState

    ,dest_ad.[State] AS DestinationState

    ,ImpExp = CASE

    WHEN term.StateCode = ord.DestState

    THEN 0

    ELSE 1


    ,Carrier# = CASE

    WHEN ord.CarrierID >= 2000

    THEN ord.CarrierID

    ELSE 999


    ,car.CarrierCode AS CarrierName

    ,car.Descr AS CarrierDesc

    ,vend2.FederalID AS CarrierFederalID

    ,term.Descr AS Origin

    ,LTRIM(RTRIM(dest_ad.[City])) + ', ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dest_ad.[state])) AS Destination

    ,sup.SupplierID AS Supplier#

    ,sup.Descr AS SupplierDesc

    ,vend.FederalID AS SupplierFederalID

    ,SupplierName = CASE

    WHEN vend.Descr IS NULL

    THEN sup.Descr

    ELSE vend.Descr


    ,CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR, ord.PostedDate, 101) AS SMALLDATETIME) AS PostedDate

    ,MONTH(ord.PostedDate) AS [Month]

    ,DATEPART(Q, ord.PostedDate) AS [Qtr]

    ,YEAR(ord.PostedDate) AS [Year]

    ,ordproditm.BOL AS BOL#

    ,prod.ProdCategory AS ProductCategory

    ,[Type] = CASE

    WHEN prod.ProdCategory = 'X'

    THEN prod.ProdCategory + '-' + prod.ProdCode

    WHEN prod.ProdCategory = 'K'

    AND prod.ProdCode = '11'

    AND ord.DestState <> 'OH'

    THEN 'D'

    WHEN prod.ProdCategory = 'K'

    AND prod.ProdCode = '11'

    AND ord.DestState = 'OH'

    THEN 'K'

    WHEN prod.ProdCategory = 'D'

    AND prod.ProdCode = '87'

    THEN 'X-97'

    ELSE prod.ProdCategory


    ,prod.ProdCode AS ProductCode

    ,prod.Descr AS ProductDesc

    ,shpprod.TaxExemptReason AS CustomerType

    ,supterm.PayFlag AS PayFlag

    ,SUM(CAST(ordproditm.GrossGallons AS DECIMAL(17, 6))) AS SumOfGrossGallons

    ,SUM(CAST(ordproditm.NetGallons AS DECIMAL(17, 6))) AS SumOfNetGallons

    ,SumOfBilledGallons = CASE

    WHEN ordprod.BillCode = 'N'

    THEN SUM(CAST(ordproditm.NetGallons AS DECIMAL(17, 6)))

    WHEN ordprod.BillCode = 'G'

    THEN SUM(CAST(ordproditm.GrossGallons AS DECIMAL(17, 6)))

    ELSE 0


    ,ordprod.BillCode AS BillCode

    ,cust.CustNum AS Customer#

    ,cust.CustName AS CustomerName

    ,term.TermCode AS TerminalCode

    ,dest_ad.County AS County

    ,cust.FEIN AS [CustomerFederalIdentification#]

    ,TerminalControl# = CASE

    WHEN ISNULL(tcn.TerminalNumber, '') = ''

    THEN ''

    ELSE tcn.TerminalNumber


    ,shpprod.StateBillByGN AS StateTaxGrossorNet

    ,BillFreight = CASE

    WHEN CAST(shpprod.BillFreight AS INT) = 1

    THEN 'Y'

    ELSE 'N'


    ,ord.DeliveryTicketNo AS DeliveryTicket#

    ,co.oaid AS COA_CompanyID

    ,co.NAME AS CompanyName

    ,co.Descr AS CompanyDescription

    ,co.Companyid AS CompanyID

    FROM Orders ord

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.OrderProduct ordprod ON ordprod.OrderID = ord.OrderID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.ShipToProduct shpprod ON shpprod.ShipToProdID = ordprod.ShipToProdID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.ShipTo shpto ON shpto.ShipToID = ShpProd.ShipToID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Carrier car ON car.CarrierID = ord.CarrierID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.OrderProdItem ordproditm ON ordproditm.OrderProdID = ordprod.OrderProdID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.ShipToItem shpitm ON shpitm.ShipToProdID = ShpProd.ShipToProdID

    AND ordproditm.ShipToItemID = shpitm.ShipToItemID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Product prod ON prod.ProductID = shpitm.ProductID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Terminals term ON term.TerminalID = ordproditm.TerminalID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Customer cust ON cust.CustomerID = shpto.CustomerID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Company co ON co.Companyid = ord.CompanyID

    LEFT JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.[Address] dest_ad ON dest_ad.addressid = shpto.addressid

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Supplier sup ON sup.SupplierID = ordproditm.SupplierID

    LEFT JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.SupplierTerminal supterm ON supterm.SupplierID = ordproditm.SupplierID

    AND supterm.TerminalID = ordproditm.TerminalID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.Vendor vend ON vend.VendorID = sup.VendorID

    INNER JOIN MOC_Replication.dbo.vendor vend2 ON vend2.VendorID = car.VendorID

    LEFT JOIN MOC_DT.dbo.TCN_Xref tcn ON tcn.recid = (

    SELECT MIN(recid)

    FROM MOC_DT.dbo.TCN_Xref

    WHERE DsLocationCode = CAST(term.TerminalID AS VARCHAR)

    AND (sup.SupplierCode LIKE DsSupcode + '-%')


    WHERE (

    sup.SupplierID NOT BETWEEN 9993

    AND 9999


    AND ord.OrderStatus = 'P'

    GROUP BY term.StateCode



































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