Left join between table user defined functions slow

  • I have an inline table defined functions that returns 23000 rows of data in 1 second, only one column and I pass a datetime to the function as parameter.

    I need to make a left join with the same function but passing another date. (also returns almost 22000 rows, one column in 1 second)

    When i make a join then result comes inmediatly but when i make a left join it last like 3 minutes. How can it be????

    Any ideas?

    for example:

    select item as item1 from funcItemsdate('20091023') as li

    left join

    (select item as item2 from funcItemsdate('20091020')) as lf

    on li.item = lf.item2

  • Hi

    Some questions:

    * Do you pass a parameter of your first table/function to your left-joined function?

    * Do you need the sub-query? If yes, did you try to move it into a CTE?

    * Did you have a look to the execution plan?



  • It's interesting. I'm getting the same type of results. When I put the results into a temp table, then the query return immediately.

    select item as item1 into #temp1 from funcItemsdate('20091023')

    select item as item2 into #temp2 from funcItemsdate('20091020')

    select item1

    from #temp1 as li

    left join

    #temp2 as lf

    on li.item1 = lf.item2

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  • * No, i don´t pass a value from the function of the left side of the join to the function on the right side. Is the same table function executed twice, and i type the parameter value for each other.

    * I tried without the subquery and is the same

    * I looked the plan, it recommended an index, i´ve created and get the same result.

    I tried to store the two results sets in temporal tables and joining them and goes much faster.

    I don´t understand. it´s like the engine it´s getting inside the function in stead of crossing the two results sets. I don´t know.

  • Do you have multi-line table valued functions?

    For multi-line table valued functions the optimizer always estimates the number of rows returned as 1 - it is better at estimating the amount of rows for an inline table valued function.

    And if the data is put into temp tables and those are used in joins then statistics are generated for temp tables which translate to better estimates in the joins.

    Could you attach the execution plans for the query using the table valued functions? That might help in figuring out the cause of the issue.

  • I wanted to recheck whether the estimated number of rows returned by a multi line table valued function is really always 1 - here is the sample code attached (since I wrote it and have nothing better to do with the code I'm putting it here :-P)

    use tempdb;



    -- object creation part

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TVFTestTable') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.TVFTestTable;


    CREATE TABLE dbo.TVFTestTable(ID int, SomeValue int);


    -- insert data for two sample IDs - skew data to around 20000 rows for each ID

    INSERT dbo.TVFTestTable(ID,SomeValue)

    SELECT 100, T1.column_id FROM

    (SELECT TOP 200 column_id FROM master.sys.columns) AS T1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP 100 column_id FROM master.sys.all_columns) T2


    SELECT 200, T1.column_id FROM

    (SELECT TOP 200 column_id FROM master.sys.columns) AS T1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP 100 column_id FROM master.sys.all_columns) T2


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TVFTestInline') IS NOT NULL

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.TVFTestInline;


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TVFTestInline(@ID int)





    SELECT ID,SomeValue FROM dbo.TVFTestTable WHERE ID = @ID



    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TVFTestMultiLine') IS NOT NULL

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.TVFTestMultiLine;


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(@ID int)

    RETURNS @RetTab TABLE(ID int, SomeValue int)



    INSERT @RetTab(ID,SomeValue)

    SELECT ID,SomeValue FROM dbo.TVFTestTable WHERE ID = @ID;






    -- testing out part

    -- turn on show execution plan for these queries

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TVFTestInline(100);

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TVFTestInline(200);

    -- inline TVF - estimated rows match actual rows (provided statistics up to date?)

    SELECT T1.ID,T1.SomeValue,T2.ID,T2.SomeValue FROM

    dbo.TVFTestInline(100) As T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TVFTestInline(200) As T2

    ON T1.ID = T2.ID

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(100);

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(200);

    -- multiline TVF - estimated rows always 1 - query much slower

    -- also look at the estimated rows v/s actual rows count

    SELECT T1.ID,T1.SomeValue,T2.ID,T2.SomeValue FROM

    dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(100) As T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(200) As T2

    ON T1.ID = T2.ID

    -- now insert the data into temp tables and check the execution plans

    SELECT ID,SomeValue INTO #TempTable1 FROM dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(100)

    SELECT ID,SomeValue INTO #TempTable2 FROM dbo.TVFTestMultiLine(200)

    -- temp tables - have statistics - estimated rows match actual rows

    SELECT T1.ID,T1.SomeValue,T2.ID,T2.SomeValue FROM

    #TempTable1 As T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN #TempTable2 As T2

    ON T1.ID = T2.ID

    DROP TABLE #TempTable1;

    DROP TABLE #TempTable2;


  • It is an inline table funtion. In side the function there is an "union all" of two selects.

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