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  • Early in my wife's and my career, we started an IRA and contributed the max into that and when the company started a 401K and contributed to that. As we started new jobs, we rolled the old 401K into the IRA. At one point, I had two IRAs, one with Fidelity and another with a brokerage account. I tried to manage the investments myself, but I was getting nowhere. In March 2009, we hired a fee-based investment manager and consolidated our IRAs into his & hers accounts. That has been our best financial decision. With the exception of 2018, our IRAs have increased in value each year. With my current 401K, I match the same asset allocation as my managed IRA among bond funds, large cap, mid cap, small cap, and international.

    On a side note, I met my wife at my second job; there's only one start date that I remember: February 14, 1977. There were a number of married couples at that location. However, she was RIF'ed in 1990 and I was RIF'ed in 1991. Since then, we have practiced "paycheck diversity", i.e., not working for the same company. That is, until I also started working for state government; however, we worked in different agencies.

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