LDAP Dialect and concatenation?

  • Can anyone tell me what the problem is with the following code snippet:

    IF @UserProfileID = ''


      SET @UserProfileID =

      (SELECT   sAMAccountName


            FROM ''LDAP://corp.jpmp.chase.com''

            WHERE objectCategory = ''Person''

      AND objectClass = ''User"''

      AND givenName = ''' + @IndividualFirstName +

      ''' AND sn = ''' + @IndividualLastName +

      ''' AND displayName <> ''*SMTP''')



    This is part of a query to get the sAMAccountName from LDAP.  When I try to run it, I get an error: Incorrect syntax near "+".  Does LDAP SQL dialect not like concatenation?  If I plug string literals into it in place of the @params, it works (i.e. givenName = ''John'' AND sn = ''Smith''), so the query itself is OK.

    Any help very much appreciated.

  • You need to build SQL string first:

    declare @SQL nvarchar (4000)

    select @SQL = 'SELECT sAMAccountName

            FROM ''LDAP://corp.jpmp.chase.com''

            WHERE objectCategory = ''Person''

      AND objectClass = ''User"''

      AND givenName = ''' + @IndividualFirstName +

      ''' AND sn = ''' + @IndividualLastName +

      ''' AND displayName <> ''*SMTP'''

    SELECT   sAMAccountName


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks, but I had already tried this and it also throws an error - Incorrect syntax near '@SQL' on the line

    SELECT   sAMAccountName


    I'll keep searching... 

  • OK, here's the code in its entirety just in case there's another error somewhere.  I don't think there is, though, because if I use literal values in place of the @parameters in the LDAP part of the query, it works fine.

    DECLARE c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data CURSOR FOR

    SELECT  isnull(substring(UserProfileID,charindex('\',UserProfileID)+1,len(UserProfileID)),'')













    FROM dbo.tmp_RainMakerContacts rm

    JOIN dbo.ClientInfo ci

    ON ci.ClientName = rm.UserClientID

    DECLARE  @UserProfileID varchar(128)

     ,@UserDisplayName varchar(403)

     ,@UserEmailAddress varchar(200)

     ,@UserClientID varchar(255)

     ,@UserClientIDAlt int

     ,@UserPhone varchar(30)

     ,@UserFax varchar(30)

     ,@UserClientName varchar(350)

     ,@IndividualFirstName varchar(200)

     ,@IndividualLastName varchar(150)

     ,@InvestranLogin varchar(128)

     ,@PortalFormUser bit

    OPEN c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data INTO















     IF @UserProfileID = ''


      DECLARE @SQL nvarchar (4000)

      SELECT @SQL = 'SELECT sAMAccountName

              FROM ''LDAP://corp.jpmp.chase.com''

              WHERE objectCategory = ''Person''

         AND objectClass = ''User"''

         AND givenName = ''' + @IndividualFirstName +

         ''' AND sn = ''' + @IndividualLastName +

         ''' AND displayName <> ''*SMTP'''


      SET @UserProfileID = (SELECT   sAMAccountName



     DECLARE @insert_sql nvarchar(2000)

     IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.UserProfile WHERE UserProfileID = @UserProfileID)


      SET @insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO dbo.UserProfile (' +

      'UserProfileID, UserDisplayName, UserDefaultDraftLocation, UserDefaultSubmitLocation, UserSharepointPersonalDocLibrary, UserSharepointSubmitLocation, UserEmailAddress, UserClientID, UserClientIDAlternate, UserPhone, UserFax, UserClientName, InvestranContactID) ' +

      'VALUES ("' + @UserProfileID + '", "' + @UserDisplayName + '", "\\sifile01\home\' + @UserProfileID + '", "\\sifile01\SubmittedeForms", NULL, NULL, "' + @UserEmailAddress + '", "' + @UserClientID + '", ' + cast(@UserClientIDAlt as nchar(10)) + ', "' + @UserPhone + '", "' + @UserFax + '", "' + @UserClientName + '", 1)'

      EXEC sp_executesql @insert_sql




      UPDATE dbo.UserProfile

      SET UserEmailAddress = @UserEmailAddress, UserClientID = @UserClientID, UserClientIDAlternate = cast(@UserClientIDAlt as nchar(10)), UserPhone = @UserPhone, UserFax = @UserFax, UserClientName = @UserClientName

      WHERE UserProfileID = @UserProfileID

      EXEC sp_executesql @insert_sql


    FETCH NEXT FROM c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data INTO














    CLOSE c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data

    DEALLOCATE c_extract_rainmaker_contact_data

    Any help appreciated!

  • This blog http://codebetter.com/blogs/brendan.tompkins/archive/2003/12/19/4746.aspx will throw some light on your concatenation question.

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