Last time a table has been reindexed

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to find when a table was last reindexed (DBCC DBREINDEX)

    Don't want to post this in SQL 2005 forum, but if this can't be done in 2000 can this information be found in 2005 environment.



  • This works good both on SQL Server 2000 and also SQL Server 2005.

    SELECT object_name(si.[id]) AS [TableName]

    , rowcnt AS [Row Count]

    , CASE

    WHEN si.indid = 0 then 'Heap'

    WHEN si.indid = 1 then 'CL'

    WHEN INDEXPROPERTY (si.[id], si.[name], 'IsAutoStatistics')

    = 1 THEN 'Stats-Auto'

    WHEN INDEXPROPERTY (si.[id], si.[name], 'IsHypothetical')

    = 1 THEN 'Stats-HIND'

    WHEN INDEXPROPERTY (si.[id], si.[name], 'IsStatistics')

    = 1 THEN 'Stats-User'

    WHEN si.indid between 2 and 250 then 'NC '

    + RIGHT('00' + convert(varchar, si.indid), 3)

    ELSE 'Text/Image'

    END AS [IndexType]

    , si.[name] AS IndexName, si.indid

    , CASE

    WHEN si.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 250

    AND STATS_DATE (si.[id], si.indid)

    < DATEADD(m, -1, getdate())

    THEN '!! More than a month OLD !!'

    WHEN si.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 250

    AND STATS_DATE (si.[id], si.indid)

    < DATEADD(wk, -1, getdate())

    THEN '! Within the past month !'

    WHEN si.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 250

    THEN 'Stats recent'

    ELSE ''

    END AS [Warning]

    , STATS_DATE (si.[id], si.indid) AS [Last Stats Update]

    FROM sysindexes AS si

    WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1

    -- and si.indid = 1

    -- and STATS_DATE (si.[id], si.indid) is not null

    ORDER BY [TableName], si.[indid]

    SQL DBA.

  • Purrrrfect, thanks Sanjay.

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