Last n records from a table

  • sunil88_pal88 (2/1/2010)

    So why has microsoft has made some opposite of TOP .They should also have made BOTTOM

    They actually have. Sort of, at least...

    But is doesn't have anything to do with the TOP clause .

    It's more the standard setting, usually left out when writing TOP, where Microsoft came up with an opposite: its ASC(ending) and DESC(ending).

    And MS did even allow us to use it for other statements than TOP, e.g. ORDER BY 😉

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  • Sunil,

    I have one question. Is "Id" column in the table an IDENTITY column? If that is so, then you can sort on "Id Desc".

    If "Id" is not IDENTITY, then you may want to add an IDENTITY column to the table and then you can use that to find the BOTTOM 3 rows. If you add IDENTITY column to the current table, then there is still no guarantee you will get the right results. It may be helpful going forward

    As for how TOP works. Create a clustered index on Number on this table and then do a Top 3. Let us know what you find.

  • vstitte (2/1/2010)

    As for how TOP works. Create a clustered index on Number on this table and then do a Top 3. Let us know what you find.

    It may be the 'first' three rows in clustered index order or it may not. Without an Order By there is NO GUARANTEE as to the order that rows are returned or the rows that are selected for the TOP.

    Extrapolating general behaviour from a trivial example is a dangerous thing to do. Without an ORDER BY, TOP 3 means ANY 3 rows.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • Gail,

    I was just trying to make your exact same point. Assuming that TOP 3 without order by clause will get you the 3 records that were inserted first is a wrong assumption. I wanted Sunil to see the behaviour if you physically reorganize the table and see what happens.

    Sorry if I wasnt clear.

    Thats all.

  • sunil88_pal88 (2/1/2010)

    So why has microsoft has made some opposite of TOP .They should also have made BOTTOM

    They have. Use top, and invert the order.

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