LARGE tlog

  • Ok folks, I was able to find some temp storage and the first tlog backup was successful and that tlog went from 48GB to 4GB. Woohoo, thanks for all of the help.

    But now there is a new problem. This database has two transaction logs specified (the 2nd has been named integration_log) and I've never seen this before. The 2nd tlog was only 8GB or so before and it looks like it inherited all the other transactions after last night's backup and now it is 48GB.

    1. I know it's possible (clearly) but why would you have 2 tlogs other than redundancy's sake? Why would they not be the same size and why would that 2nd one not have been backed up?

    2. I tried running a dbcc shrinkfile on that second tlog but I get the "could not lcoate file in sysfiles" error. I followed the BOL syntax, used the logical file name, etc. but still no dice.

    Any advice?

  • The following select will let you know which files are in your database.

    select * from sysfiles

    You can use the alter database to remove the extra log file.  You have to empty first.


  • Ok, cool.

    I think I found the issue, the tlog backup had not finished when the db backup had started. That would explain why the 2nd tlog was not backed up and why it picked up all those transactions, no?

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