Labeling Row with Number

  • I have no idea how to accomplish this.  basically, i have a result set in Query Analyzer.  I would like to label each row from 1 up to the last row the requery return.  Example:


    FirstName LastName Account_Id  Line_Number

    John          Doe         123              1

    Jane          Doe          456             2


    Ying           Zest         1023           145


    line_number is the column i would like to create as a label for each row in my result set.  your help is greatly appreciated.

  • can you live with this?:


    select identity(int) as line_number,[column] into #temp from

    select * from #temp

    drop table #temp

  • For the second time today, I have to give credit to Frank!  I knew that I had seen solutions to this problem on this site, just couldn't remember the solution.

    Anyway, take a look at...


  • Thank you all for your input/suggestion.



    I'm not ranking on any value so your solution worked perfect!!! Thanks so much!!!

  • Watch out for that Identity Function Solution with select into


    hungry for why?      --> look in here



    * Noel

  • Found this code, tried it and it worked...

    SELECT count(*) RecNum,


         FROM Northwind.dbo.Employees a join

              Northwind.dbo.Employees b

              on a.LastName >= b.LastName

         group by a.LastName

         order by a.LastName


    Url for it:

    Nice run down by Gregory A Larsen


  • Michael,

    I KNEW that I had seen something that was very simple, yet ingenious for this.  But I couldn't find it!!  That's it!  Good job!


  • I have found that using the data type "table" can be faster than using temporary tables. I had to write a series of cross-tabs recently. I started out with temporary tables, since I had to add identity and ranks. I then moved to using the data type and there was a obvious improvement.

    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Somehow I miss the only "correct" answer to this question:

    Do this at the presentational layer of your app! That's not really a job for the server. But (un)fortunately MS thinks different on this. See for a discussion on the efficiency of this SELECT COUNT(*) approach and what there is to come in the next SQL Server version.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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