Knock, Knock…Who's There?

  • Even a broken ulna has a humerus side...

  • Anirban Paul (7/23/2008)

    IBut I saw a manager who used to crack jokes in a serious meetings. I could not digest them at that point of time.

    If you mean the manager would tell joke stories in the meeting, I agree that is not appropriate. The awful boss in the British version of "The Office" comes to mind -- no one wants to be him! But sometimes the person in charge of a meeting will try to say something a little humorous in a serious meeting to try to cut the tension. I know I've done that. Usually it works, but sometimes the humor falls flat. As long as you have generally good office relationships among coworkers, they will usually credit the person making the joke with good intentions. (So long as he or she isn't perceived as a twit.)

  • Dcarlson (7/23/2008)

    There's three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't!

    There are 10 types of people those that understand binary ... 🙂

  • Trader Sam (7/23/2008)

    In situations where the atmosphere is conflict, egos, turf-protection, my-way-or-the-highway, not much is usually accomplished and everyone has their hackles up (and their defenses) most of the time.

    I agree to a point. I worked at one place for six years where people worked very hard to please the manager in charge; for a few years a lot of work got done. I stayed from 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM clearing up some paperwork to try to fulfill expectations.

    However, the atmosphere got progressively more grim as the years rolled on. The executive in charge was a screamer -- and you didn't even need to be the cause for her getting angry to be the recipient of her melt-down. What is worse, she would yell in public, then "apologize" in private. (Her apology usually consisted of simply stating "of course you know I was just venting" [-- Like Pele!]) One of the reasons things got worse over the years was that one by one the better managers and staff found other positions, which meant she had to hire and train new people, who, of course, made more mistakes than the original people who had left...

    I heard that she was finally fired two years after I left, after a particularly bad mess came to light.

  • As long as your are judging our entire nation by a few TV show and a single politician, allow me to state that I judge Scotland on haggis, and haggis alone. You have your criteria and I have mine.

  • I feel really lucky to be working with a group of people who enjoy joking around. It's important to reduce stress in the workplace. I WAS hoping to get a few good jokes from this forum...

    From a "top 10 jokes" website:

    A Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail.Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife,whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor.

    At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

    Dearest Wife,

    Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

    Your Loving Husband.

    PS. Sure is hot down here.


    p.s. there are 3 colors (colours) in the English language that don't have rhyming words: add "silver" to your list. 🙂

  • Steven Cameron (7/23/2008)

    Even though I'm from the U.S., I do enjoy the British comedies that are shown on our public broadcasting system. It is unfortunate that most of them seem to be from the 70's and 80's.

    Maybe I'm different from others in the U.S. because I'm from North Dakota which many Americans believe is part of Canada.

    For current (relatively speaking) Brit shows, watch BBCA (BBC America). It is channel 264 on DirecTV.

    [My favorite BBCA show, now canceled, was Ground Force. It combined my love of landscaping with doing nice things for people and a gently humorous dynamic between the cast.]

  • Aye the wild haggis, tis a timidly beast!:D

    I also judge the USA on the food - once worked there for three weeks - must've gained 30lbs (see I put it in terms you'd understand.)

    Steak dinners every other night, choclocate cake bigger than some south american countries, all you can eat salad bar, free coke refils, I ate a whole 22 Oz steak + sides, all you can eat rib night.

    And my employer paid for all of it 😀

    I'd live there no probs. (probably be dead in a year due to weight gain). 😀

    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

  • Stephanie Giovannini (7/23/2008)

    Val Byref (7/23/2008) unless you count Mr. Bean, which is way funnier than the CUSA "Family Circus" syndicated cartoon by Bill Keane..

    Ugh, Family Circus. It's in nearly every newspaper comics page and those of us who read newspapers look at it and wonder, "Why? Why?" It's so unfunny that it hurts. I'm embarrassed to think that Brits might be judging the state of American humor by the contents of our comics page.

    Who thinks Family Circus is funny? And Marmaduke?

    The funniest answer I ever saw to this question was in an episode of the Simpsons, in which Homer is reading the newspaper, chuckles and says, "Heh heh... that Marmaduke."

    I have to agree that Family Circus is past its prime. Is Bil Keane even still alive, or has it been taken over by his heirs, the way Little Orphan Annie and other strips from the early-mid 20th century have been?

    Having owned two Great Danes (see my avatar?) I can usually find the humor in a Marmaduke strip, but even that has many days where it is obvious the cartoonist couldn't think of anything new, so just recycled an old one.

    For current US cartoonists, some of whom have quite an edgy sense of humor, check out and -- free viewing, no paper necessary.

  • Steven Cameron (7/23/2008)

    Family Guy is AWESOME! Oops is my CUSA showing?

    Anyway, in reality, W is not any worse than most of our other presidents, just funnier.

    Let's not mix politics with humor ...




    [lifelong Democrat]

  • Rich.Gamble (7/23/2008)

    Even a broken ulna has a humerus side...

    I love it!

  • Then there is "Top Gear". I think that Clarkson is "The Stig".

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Carla Wilson (7/23/2008)

    I feel really lucky to be working with a group of people who enjoy joking around. It's important to reduce stress in the workplace. I WAS hoping to get a few good jokes from this forum..

    Ok, you asked for it. This is the only joke I can remember all the way through.

    A man was walking down the street with his pet rooster. As he came up on the movie theater he realized it was showing a matinee of a favorite classic movie and the last showing was just about to begin. They wouldn't let him take his chicken in with him, so naturally he did what anyone would -- he stuffed it down his pants and bought a ticket.

    As the movie progressed, it got quite warm with a chicken down his pants, so he unzipped his pants.

    The sound caught the attention of one of the two old ladies sitting one place down the row.

    She looked over, then leaned to her friend and whispered: "Phyllis! That man! Did you see?" Irritably her friend replied: "Oh, Harriet, I heard the zipper. If you've seen one, you've seen them all." Phyllis answered: "Yes, but this one's eating my popcorn!"

  • Let's not mix politics with humor ...




    [lifelong Democrat]

    No, the worst president ever was Jimmy Carter. He's just not showing up today because he was wasn't funny in the least, and we're not mixing politics and humor. 😉

    [lifelong republican][you may regret teaching me about the 'quote' button :w00t: ]

    “Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”

  • Someguy (7/23/2008)

    Let's not mix politics with humor ...




    [lifelong Democrat]

    No, the worst president ever was Jimmy Carter. He's just not showing up today because he was wasn't funny in the least, and we're not mixing politics and humor. 😉

    [lifelong republican][you may regret teaching me about the 'quote' button :w00t: ]

    I figured I'd get a rise out of some Republican on the list. The great thing about this country is we can agree to disagree. Some of my good friends are lifelong Republicans (and even they can't stand the current resident of the White House).:D

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