Killing idle users

  • Hi guys,

    We have some third party software that sits on SQLServer 7 on NT 4.

    Is there something out there that can be set up as a job in SQLServer to be run every half an hour looking for users that have been idle for 2 hours ?

    Thanks in advance.


  • There might be a script in the library here, if not it's easy to write. Setup a stored proc to scan sysprocesses and check the last batch against the current time. After some xx time, run a kill against the spid.

    Steve Jones

  • Just make sure it does not take a snapshot in time and comapre it to another snapshot in time otherwise you may take out users you don't mean to.

    For example you do a select against sysprocess at 10:00 AM to get the spid and loginnae of each inactive user, do the same thing at 11:00 AN find user simley is still inactive.

    Well smiley may have been active in the interval, or may have disconected and reconnected and gotten the same SPID.

    If your aps are leaving hanging connections, deal with your aps.


  • OK, bringing som ehumour to the forum...

    A couple days ago, in the QOD thread, a forum user remarked that really what the question was about was purely semantics. Brian Kelley responded that it was more than semantics:


    To the DBA, that should all make sense. But even to a system administrator, some of that may be incomprehensible. Now, imagine you were Joe Blow on the streets. Talk about dropping tables probably has a totally different connotation than for the DBA.

    It just occurred to me that the title of this thread could probably be interpreted quite badly by our "Jow Blow on the streets".

    Sorry for the tangent.


  • As Henery pointed out, its better to handle the situation at app. level

    but if you must you can use this proc to view and kill processes

    I use the combined output of sp_who2 and DBCC INPUTBUFFER

    Note: Define your criteria for idle process, and refine your search by updating

    all occurrences of this statement:

    Select *

    From #Temp_Table

    Where Login <> 'sa' AND

    DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2)) = @Time_Slept)

    Ex. Where Login <> 'sa' AND HostName <> '...' so on ... AND

    DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2)) =


    ** KILL statement has been commented out

    CREATE Proc Show_Idle_Processes

    @Show_Kill BIT = 0, -- 0 =(Just show idle pro.), 1 = (show and kill idle pro.)

    @Time_Slept VARCHAR(4) -- In Hours (idle for # of hours)


    Create Table #Temp_Table (SPID INT, Status VARCHAR(20), Login VARCHAR(40),

    HostName VARCHAR(50), BlockedBy VARCHAR(10),

    DBName VARCHAR(20), Command VARCHAR(255),

    CPUTime INT, DiskIO INT, LastBatch VARCHAR(20),

    ProgramName VARCHAR(100), SPID_2 INT)

    Declare @spid INT, @DB_Name VARCHAR(20), @Last_Batch VARCHAR(4),

    @Conn_Time VARCHAR(4), @Msg VARCHAR(100)

    Exec('Insert #Temp_Table

    Exec sp_who2 ')

    Create Index Login On #Temp_Table (Login)

    IF EXISTS(Select *

    From #Temp_Table

    Where Login <> 'sa' AND

    DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2) = @Time_Slept)

    GoTo Show_Sleepers



    Select 'Found no connection(s) idle for more than '+@Time_Slept+' hour(s) !' As_Sleepers




    Create Table #Temp_Command (EventType VARCHAR(50),

    Parameters INT,

    Database_Name VARCHAR(20),

    Last_CommandIssued VARCHAR(4000),

    [Connection_Duration(HRS)] INT,


    Select @spid = Min(spid)

    From #Temp_Table

    Where Login <> 'sa' AND

    (DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2)) = @Time_Slept

    While (@spid IS NOT NULL)


    Select @DB_Name = DBName,

    @Last_Batch = Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2)

    From #Temp_Table

    Where spid = @spid

    Set @Conn_Time = DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - @Last_Batch

    Insert #Temp_Command (EventType, Parameters, Last_CommandIssued)

    Exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER ('+@spid+')')

    IF(@@Error <> 0)


    RAISERROR('Encountered error while preparing idle connections summary', 16, 1)



    Update #Temp_Command

    Set spid = @spid,

    Database_Name = @DB_Name,

    [Connection_Duration(HRS)] = @Conn_Time

    Where spid IS NULL

    Select @spid = Min(spid)

    From #Temp_Table

    Where Login <> 'sa' AND

    (DatePart(hh, GetDate()) - Substring(LastBatch, CharIndex(' ', LastBatch) + 1, 2))=

    @Time_Slept AND (spid > @spid)


    /** Create idel processes summary by combining sp_who2 and DBCC INPUTBUFFER results **/

    Select T1.spid, T2.Login, T2.HostName,

    T1.Database_Name, T1.[Connection_Duration(HRS)],


    Into #Temp_AllSleepers

    From #Temp_Command T1, #Temp_Table T2

    Where T1.spid = T2.spid

    /** Show idel processes summary **/

    Select *

    From #Temp_AllSleepers

    IF(@Show_Kill = 1)

    GoTo Kill_IdelProcesses




    Select @spid = Min(spid)

    From #Temp_AllSleepers

    While (@spid IS NOT NULL)


    --Exec('KILL '+@spid)

    Set @Msg = 'Terminated idle process id '+Convert(varchar(8), @spid)

    PRINT @Msg

    IF(@@Error <> 0)


    RAISERROR('Encountered error while terminating idel connection', 16, 1)



    Select @spid = Min(spid)

    From #Temp_AllSleepers

    Where spid > @spid


    Edited by - mworku on 06/20/2003 6:59:30 PM


  • Many thanks.

    I'll take what you've said on board, and see what I come up with.



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