May 11, 2010 at 11:03 am
Hi all,
I have a killer query which is cracking me up.
Imagine I have the simplified data set below. I need to go through a set of customer transactions and bolt on a new field that classifies them according to the following logic
The first trans is alway type C1
If there is a 2nd transaction and it is within 25 days of the first then this is classed as C2. If it occurs more than 25 days then class this as type C1 and start again.
If there is a third transaction and it occurs within 25 days of the second then class this as C3. If it occurs more than 25 days then class it as C1 and start again.
If there is a 4th transaction (and up) and it is within 25 days of the third then class this as 'OS' If less than 25 days then class as C1 and start again
Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
WITH temptrans AS
SELECT 1 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '01/01/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 2 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '15/01/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c2
SELECT 3 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '01/03/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 4 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '15/04/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 5 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '23/04/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c2
SELECT 6 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '27/04/2010' [TranDate] UNION ALL -- c3
SELECT 7 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '29/04/2010' [TranDate]
select * from temptrans
May 12, 2010 at 8:41 am
give this a try
declare @temptrans table (rn int, accno int, trandate smalldatetime,
classification char(3), runningtotal tinyint)
insert into @temptrans
SELECT 1 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '01/01/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 2 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '01/15/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c2
SELECT 3 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '03/01/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 4 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '04/15/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 5 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '04/23/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c2
SELECT 6 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '04/27/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c3
SELECT 7 [RN], 1234 [Accno], '04/29/2010' [TranDate], null, null union all
SELECT 1 [RN], 3456 [Accno], '01/01/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 2 [RN], 3456 [Accno], '01/15/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c2
SELECT 3 [RN], 3456 [Accno], '03/01/2010' [TranDate] , null, null UNION ALL -- c1
SELECT 1 [RN], 2222 [Accno], '04/15/2010' [TranDate] , null, null -- c1
;with cte as
(Select rn, accno, Trandate, classification, cast(1 as int) runningtotal, cast(null as smalldatetime) PrevDate
from @temptrans
where rn = 1
union all
Select t.rn, t.accno, t.Trandate, t.classification, case when DateDiff(dd, c.Trandate, t.trandate) > 25 then 1 else c.runningtotal + 1 end, c.TranDate PrevDate
from cte c join @tempTrans t
on t.accno = c.accno
and c.rn = t.rn - 1)
select rn, accno, TranDate, 'C' + cast(RunningTotal as varchar) Classification
from cte
order by accno, rn
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May 12, 2010 at 9:58 am
the recursice CTE apporach is one possible solution. But as soon as there is a larger data volume to deal with, the quirky update is the better choice (from my point of view).
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