
  • Is there any way I can get rid of the Killed/Rollback processes from the sysprocesses with out restarting the sql server service??? These transaction are struck from 3 to 4 days has nothing but an active connection to sql server and no active connection on OS side however it showing the KPID a non zero value.






  • A non zero kpid means that the spid is in runnable state. Try to recylce the service or program which created this spid.

  • If KILL won't do it, and I'd be sure to run it a few times, you have to restart the server.

  • Nope. I sure don't want to restart the service.


  • I have a same situation (one Kill/Rollback process has been hanging last six month) and I just didn't want to restart the service just because of that. It just bug me but I don't see any bad side of it until next time I HAVE TO restart the service for other compaling reason..


  • Just spoke with the MS rep and the only way that we can clear those SPIDS is to cycle the service after the process has been killed


  • I thnk you are probably ok with leaving it until you can reboot. I've had DTS jobs that I've killed from DTS as well as SQL and just let them run,

  • Having same issues.


    How to cycle the service?

  • I am currently having the same problem, I have 3 processes like that. Can this prevent replication of a database. I believe that is preventing my replication from working, I have 2 other databases being replicated the exact same way, it is only the one which has locked processes and is failing. How do you recyle the service? and which service are you talking about?

  • Unfortunatly, it is SQL Services. If you have an instance, you can just restart the instance of that but still, it is still SQL Service. (i.e MSSQLSERVER for default instance).

    Just to make sure to restart the sql agent manually if you are only going to restart the service only not rebooting the box. I've seen many folks leave the agents to be not started for a while until they realized that the backup/maintenance jobs weren't working


  • I had the same issue. I wait two days and waiting to clear the killed/rollback process by itself. I am end up with restart the SQL service and it clears.


  • Please note: 6 year old thread.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • GilaMonster (8/31/2010)

    Please note: 6 year old thread.

    I wonder if someone forgot to do a RESET after running DBCC TimeWarp 😀

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