April 2, 2012 at 5:24 am
I've put together a stored procedure to check a few vital SQL Server functions. One thing we'd like to check is whether the kerberos double-hop is working.
My set-up:
I have 2 servers; server1 and server2
On server1, there's a linked server called 'CAD' pointing to server2
On server2, there's a linked server called 'REP' pointing to server1
In code, to check whether kerberos double-hop works between these two servers, I run the following from server1
EXEC('SELECT TOP 1 * FROM REP.mytestdb.sys.databases') AT [CAD]
However, this always seems to generate a 'Login failed for user 'NT Authority\Anonymous Logon' message. However, if I log on to a 3rd server, i.e. server3, connect to server1 and run:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM CAD.mytestdb.sys.databases
I get results back. However, in my solution, I can only use server1 and server2 to perform the check.
What am I doing wrong here?
Is there a better way to simulate/check a double hop.
Thanks, Andrew
April 3, 2012 at 9:41 am
Can you detail the login security you set up for the linked server connections?
K. Brian Kelley
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