Keep gettings null results :(

  • I was provided a list of first names and last name. I need to upload this list into our system (into a table) and compare these names to our people table and return address info ect. I have created my table, uploaded the names, and now am trying to return results, but keep getting nothing. This is what i have so far, what am i missing?

    select distinct p.first_name











    From people as p

    inner join addressschedule as ad

    on p.people_code_id=ad.people_org_code_id

    inner join academic as a

    on a.people_code_id=ad.people_org_code_id

    inner join peopletype as pt

    on a.people_code_id=pt.people_code_id

    where ad.status='a'

    and ad.address_type=p.preferred_add

    and exists (select *

    from Upload1

    where upload1.first_name=p.first_name

    and upload1.last_name=p.last_name)

  • Original post pretty sparse but here's a shot.

    Start simple and work up, connect your people table to your upload table.

    select *

    FROM people p

    RIGHT join upload1 u1 ON p.lastName = u1.lastName

    and p.firstName = u1.firstname

    where p.lastname is null

    -- that finds items that were uploaded that do not have correct fname/lname.

    Use that to start tracking the [WHY]

    The names uploaded incorrectly?

    The first names are abbreviated?

    etc etc

  • Thanks Daryl. That is what i did. I noticed that even just joining the first name field i got NO results. After further investigation, i noticed for some reason their was a space in the first name field on the file i uploaded, hence my null results. I removed the spaces and reuploaded. After that it worked!!!

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