Just Checking - This doesn't alter the data, does it ?

  • I'm doing a CONVERT in my join, to the same column that's getting inserted into a table. My convert only applies to the join, right ? It doesn't affect the data being inserted ? Since #CIFHold.RWA_ID is defined as decimal, I should be ok.


    (Call_ID int,

    RWA_ID decimal (10,0),

    ProducerID char(6),

    StateCd char(2))


    SELECT c.call_id, c.RWA_ID, l.ProducerID, l.StateCdFROM Call_Detail c

    JOIN Leads l on convert(char(20), c.RWA_ID) = l.RWA_ID

    JOIN Leads_CE lc ON lc.RWA_ID = c.RWA_ID

    JOIN CIF_Detail cd ON c.Call_ID = cd.Call_ID

    WHERE c.Call_ID = @Call_ID

    Dumb question, I know, but I had a quick panic attack after some user errors referencing the same field.

  • Yes it only applies to the join. The data is not changed.

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