Jr DBA Team interview advice

  • Goodmorning,

    I have an interview tomorrow with about 3 DBAs.

    The Manager wants me to come in to meet with them as she wants me to become their Jr. DBA.

    My prior experience was assisting a Contractor DBA with no formal training.

    The Manager would like to bring me in so that I can essentially pick the DBA's brains & get all of the processes into documentation.

    Her plan is to make me a Tier 1 (learn from the documenting process), then once we've documented everything, Tier 2 and then eventally onto a DBA role.

    I've been very clear that the DBA role that I held before was all based off hand held documentation & repetitiveness.

    I'm looking here to see if there are any words from the wise as to what I should absolutely know prior to going into that meeting?

    Thank you in advance for your help!!! 🙂

  • jlgkatda (11/14/2013)


    I have an interview tomorrow with about 3 DBAs.

    The Manager wants me to come in to meet with them as she wants me to become their Jr. DBA.

    My prior experience was assisting a Contractor DBA with no formal training.

    The Manager would like to bring me in so that I can essentially pick the DBA's brains & get all of the processes into documentation.

    Her plan is to make me a Tier 1 (learn from the documenting process), then once we've documented everything, Tier 2 and then eventally onto a DBA role.

    I've been very clear that the DBA role that I held before was all based off hand held documentation & repetitiveness.

    I'm looking here to see if there are any words from the wise as to what I should absolutely know prior to going into that meeting?

    Thank you in advance for your help!!! 🙂

    Just be yourself, be honest, and knock 'em dead. You'll either get the job or you won't. They can't eat ya. 😀

    For the kind of job it sounds like they want you to do, you need personality. If you have a good one (kind, courteous, thoughful, helpful and a couple of other "Boy Scout" terms), you'll be a natural. Just remember... it is for a Jr. role. It's ok to say "I don't know... I've not had to work with that before but here's what I'd do to find out.". Of course, you can't answer every question that way. 😛

    Be yourself and be honest. You'll do fine.

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Ask them about their backup process: how it's done, how often, where the backups live, who to talk to retrieve backups from tape, how do they monitor the backup process. Make sure you're testing your backups.

    Ask them about the user provisioning process: workflow for approvals, types of permissions that users are eligible for, when you can grant permissions.

    Ask them about their change management process: when changes can occur, who approves changes, workflow for approvals. If they don't have one, begin the task of starting one.

    Like Jeff said, be yourself and be honest. It sounds like you're getting a great opportunity to be mentored and learn the ropes.

    Once you become a guru, help others 🙂

    Sacramento SQL Server users group - http://sac.sqlpass.org
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • Wow, so glad I posted here! Thank you for taking time out to help me! It's very appreciated. Yes, the idea behind bringing me on is to mentor me. I'm just nervous that my chemistry won't meld. I've been meeting off & on with the Manager for almost 2 months. It's hard knowing that I've done some high level processes but can't really speak to them as it was a position I had over 3 years ago. Wish me luck & stay tuned! I'll post ASAP after the meeting tomorrow.

    Thank again! Those were awesome pointers!

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