Joins aren't displaying results as needed; need each result on its own row

  • Hello All;

    I hope you can help me with what I need to do.

    When joining some tables I need the results to display on seperate rows and columns.


    I have a CONTACTS table (Called Idividual) that has a phone number and a phone type (this indicates if the phone number is a fax, mobile etc)

    There is also a CUSTOMER_PHONE table which contains phone numbers which relate back to the CONTACTS table

    (This is not my DB and I know the Normalization is rubbish in this database )

    I need to pull results that show the phone number from both tables for each CONTACT when the types are specific (101416, 101417 and 115)

    I each result on its own line for example

    Contact phone417 phone416 phone115

    ContactA # # #

    ContactB #

    ContactC # #

    My diagram is trying to show that CONTACTS don't have all phone types:

    I do have a script like this:



    Company.iCompanyID AS Company_ID,

    vchCompanyName AS Company_Name,

    Company.iPhoneTypeId AS Company_PhoneTypeID,

    Company.vchPhoneNumber as Company_Phone_Number,

    Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId AS Customer_Phone_PhoneTypeID,

    Customer_Phone.vchPhoneNumber as Customer_Phone_Phone_Number

    FROM Company

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_Phone

    ON Customer_Phone.iOwnerId=Company.iCompanyID


    (Company.vchUser10 IS NULL)

    AND (Company.tiRecordStatus = 1)

    AND (Company.bPrivate = 0)

    AND (Company.bValidAddress = 1)

    AND ((Company.iPhoneTypeId IN ('101417', '101416', '115') OR (Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId IN ('101417', '101416', '115'))))

    This doesn't return in a format I need

    I spoke to someone who used IIF in Access on his DB and it worked but I couldn't get it working in SQL 2005

    If anyone can help I'd appreciate it and if you need more details I'll give them to you.

    Thanks so much


  • I'm not sure I fully understand your schema and/or requirements, but this may be what you are after:-


    Company.iCompanyID AS Company_ID,

    vchCompanyName AS Company_Name,

    Company.iPhoneTypeId AS Company_PhoneTypeID,

    Company.vchPhoneNumber as Company_Phone_Number,

    p417.vchPhoneNumber as Phone_417,

    p416.vchPhoneNumber as Phone_416,

    p115.vchPhoneNumber as Phone_115

    FROM Company

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_Phone p417

    ON Customer_Phone.iOwnerId=Company.iCompanyID AND Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId = '101417'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_Phone p416

    ON Customer_Phone.iOwnerId=Company.iCompanyID AND Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId = '101416'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_Phone p115

    ON Customer_Phone.iOwnerId=Company.iCompanyID AND Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId = '115'


    (Company.vchUser10 IS NULL)

    AND (Company.tiRecordStatus = 1)

    AND (Company.bPrivate = 0)

    AND (Company.bValidAddress = 1)

    If it isn't, post details of the schema and some sample data.

  • Hello,

    First and foremost thanks for replying.

    I have tried to put some data on this to sort of show what I am trying to do.

    The two tables that are involved both contain phone type ids (ie Fax, Mobile etc) and phone numbers - which I understand is dumb - again I didn't design this - it is a DB from a company called ONYX

    So the Contact Table may have

    iCompanyID Name PhoneType PhoneNumber

    1 Bill 417 555-1234

    2 Bob 416 555-4321

    3 Frank 115 555-7894

    4 John 115 555-1111

    The Phone_number table has:

    iOwnerID PhoneType PhoneNumber

    1 416 555-7777

    2 417 555-6666

    3 417 555-5555

    4 416 555-4444

    1 115 555-3333

    2 115 555-1111

    I am trying to get a select statement to return a table such as follows

    CompanyID Name PhoneNumbers417 PhoneNumbers416 PhoneNumbers115

    1 Bill 555-1234 555-7777 555-3333

    2 Bob 555-6666 555-4321 555-1111

    3 Frank 555-5555 555-7894

    4 John 555-4444 555-1111

    I hope this makes some sort of sense for you 🙂

    Thanks for anything you can help me with.

    The script you gave told me that column couldn't be bound when I tried to run it.

    Thanks so much again

  • This should give you what you need:-

    select icompanyid,name,

    case when c.phonetype = 417 then c.phonenumber

    else p417.phonenumber end as PhoneNumbers417,

    case when c.phonetype = 416 then c.phonenumber

    else p416.phonenumber end as PhoneNumbers416,

    case when c.phonetype = 115 then c.phonenumber

    else p115.phonenumber end as PhoneNumbers115

    from company c

    left join phone_number p417 on c.icompanyid = p417.iownerid

    and p417.phonetype = 417

    left join phone_number p416 on c.icompanyid = p416.iownerid

    and p416.phonetype = 416

    left join phone_number p115 on c.icompanyid = p115.iownerid

    and p115.phonetype = 115

  • This should also work for you. It uses the built in pivot function, and it save join and case statements if you wish to add another phone type to the statement. Just list it in your where clause, Add it to the list of phone types in the pivot function, and to the top select statement for it's own column.









    ,[101417] As PhoneNumbers417

    ,[101416] As PhoneNumbers416

    ,[115] As PhoneNumbers115




    Company.iCompanyID AS Company_ID,

    vchCompanyName AS Company_Name,

    Company.iPhoneTypeId AS Company_PhoneTypeID,

    Company.vchPhoneNumber as Company_Phone_Number,

    Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId AS Customer_Phone_PhoneTypeID,

    Customer_Phone.vchPhoneNumber as Customer_Phone_Phone_Number,

    1 As MyCount --Added This Column As Pivot Requires Something To Agrigate

    FROM Company

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_Phone

    ON Customer_Phone.iOwnerId=Company.iCompanyID


    (Company.vchUser10 IS NULL)

    AND (Company.tiRecordStatus = 1)

    AND (Company.bPrivate = 0)

    AND (Company.bValidAddress = 1)

    AND ((Company.iPhoneTypeId IN ('101417', '101416', '115') OR (Customer_Phone.iPhoneTypeId IN ('101417', '101416', '115'))))




    For Company_PhoneTypeID in ( --List the different phone types here


    , [101416]

    , [115]



  • Because joining on the same table multiple times can be slow, you may want to try SQL2005's pivot, something like...

    SELECT iCompanyID AS Company, [Name],

    [417] AS [417 Number],

    [416] AS [416 Number],

    [115] AS [115 Number]


    ( SELECT iCompanyId, [Name], PhoneType, PhoneNumber

    FROM dbo.Contact


    SELECT iOwnerId, c.[Name], p.PhoneType, p.PhoneNumber

    FROM dbo.Phone_Number p

    JOIN dbo.Contact c

    ON c.iCompanyId = p.iOwnerId

    ) main


    (MAX(PhoneNumber) FOR PhoneType IN

    ([115], [416], [417])

    -- or is this ([101417], [101416], [115]) ?

    ) pvt

  • Performing self-joins should not be any slower than joining on other tables as long as you have appropriate indexes. Also check out this article about PIVOT:

  • In my case, I was joining on the primary key. Maybe I missed something, but I didn't have to do any totaling, and pivot was light years faster for me.

    Ian, I think we all assumed from your example that you have only one ph # per slot, so I took the max of that one number. See what option works best for you.

    Now all we need is someone named Ian Corb[e/i]tt to chime in, with all the Ians and Corbetts on this one.

  • dcorbitt (10/1/2008)

    Now all we need is someone named Ian Corb[e/i]tt to chime in, with all the Ians and Corbetts on this one.

    Yeah, what is upperbognor doing on this thread?

  • I agree with using PIVOT, and as the two tables are identical save the Name field and the number of records, they can be UNION ALL'ed together, then pivoted. Here's my version of it, with the original sample data:


    iCompanyID smallint,

    [Name] varchar(20),

    PhoneType smallint,

    PhoneNumber varchar(8)



    SELECT 1,'Bill',417,'555-1234' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Bob',416,'555-4321' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,'Frank',115,'555-7894' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,'John',115,'555-1111'


    iOwnerID smallint,

    PhoneType smallint,

    PhoneNumber varchar(8)



    SELECT 1,416,'555-7777' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,417,'555-6666' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,417,'555-5555' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,416,'555-4444' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,115,'555-3333' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,115,'555-1111'


    SELECT *



    SELECT iOwnerID, (SELECT [Name] FROM @COMPANY WHERE iCompanyID = P.iOwnerID),

    PhoneType, PhoneNumber



    SELECT iCompanyID, [Name], [417], [416], [115]


    PIVOT(MIN(PhoneNumber) FOR PhoneType IN ([115],[416],[417])) AS PVTBL

    Short and sweet, producing the results as follows:

    iCompanyIDName 417 416 115

    1 Bill555-1234 555-7777 555-3333

    2 Bob555-6666 555-4321 555-1111

    3 Frank555-5555 NULL 555-7894

    4 JohnNULL 555-4444 555-1111


    (aka smunson)



    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Jack, Ian and Simon,

    Thanks so much for all of you putting in the time and effort to help me with essentially my problem 🙂

    I will test all of your suggestions against the data and let you know the outcome as I am sure your all eager to know 😀



  • Hello;

    There are over 100,000 records in the Customer_Phone table which is the table that relates back to the Company Table and house the additional numbers and types

    It is feasible that a Company has more than 1 of each type of phone number; but this should be really rare, I hope 🙂

    The last alternate suggestion posted involved an temporary table - using this I'd have to insert the 1000's of records correct? That looks like a seriouslly large amount of work 🙂

    Again I thank you all for your input and I have no doubt everyone will hear from me again, I sincerely hope that at somepoint I can offer useful help such as you have.



  • Mine was the last posted example, and it uses a CTE, or Common Table Expression, as opposed to a temporary table. The two table variables are only there to represent your sample data, and in the actual query, would be replaced with your real table names, so there's no need to insert 1000's of records. If ANY of the users have more than one phone number of a given type, the pivot method will NOT produce an accurate result, and will NOT include all but one of any given user's phone numbers of a given type.

    You could easily determine whether any such situations exist ahead of time. Also, with those results in hand, it would be fairly easy to take those results and UNION them together with the pivot methods results, after some amount of manipulation. Without an actual table in hand, it would be a bit hard to code all of that, but it's do-able.


    (aka smunson)


    Ian McQuade (10/1/2008)


    There are over 100,000 records in the Customer_Phone table which is the table that relates back to the Company Table and house the additional numbers and types

    It is feasible that a Company has more than 1 of each type of phone number; but this should be really rare, I hope 🙂

    The last alternate suggestion posted involved an temporary table - using this I'd have to insert the 1000's of records correct? That looks like a seriouslly large amount of work 🙂

    Again I thank you all for your input and I have no doubt everyone will hear from me again, I sincerely hope that at somepoint I can offer useful help such as you have.



    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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