Joining tables with sub-queries and count

  • HI,

    Here my sample data and query. I am getting error while using the count with sub queries.

    Sample Data :

    CREATE TABLE incidents (incident_id int,date_logged datetime,usr_id int,dept_id int,item_id int, cust_id int)

    insert into incidents values

    ('1001', '8/20/2016','190','3','800','10'),

    ('1002', '8/21/2016','111','4','810','12'),

    ('1003', '8/22/2016','190','3','800','10'),

    ('1004', '8/23/2016','111','4','822','12'),

    ('1005', '8/24/2016','190','3','700','11'),

    ('1006', '8/24/2016','180','3','700','11'),

    ('1007', '8/24/2016','180','3','700','11'),

    ('1008', '8/24/2016','190','3','800','10'),

    ('1009', '8/25/2016','180','3','500','13'),

    ('1010', '8/26/2016','180','3','500','13'),

    ('1011', '8/27/2016','180','3','500','13'),

    ('1012', '8/28/2016','180','3','500','13')

    Create TABLE actions ( act_id int, act_type varchar(50) ,incident_id int,usr_id int ,date_actioned datetime,

    service_time money)

    Insert into actions VALUES

    ('1', 'TRAVEL',1001,190,8/20/2016,20),

    ('2', 'ASSIGN',1001,2,8/21/2016,1),

    ('3', 'TRAVEL',1001,190, 8/22/2016,10),

    ('4', 'REMOTE',1001,190,8/23/2016,30),

    ('5', 'TRAVEL',1002,111,8/21/2016,40),

    ('6', 'ASSIGN',1002,2,8/22/2016, 1),

    ('7', 'REMOTE',1002,111,8/23/2016,30),

    ('8', 'TRAVEL',1002,111,8/24/2016,60),

    ('9', 'TRAVEL',1003,190,8/22/2016,45),

    ('10', 'ASSIGN',1003,2,8/23/2016, 1),

    ('11', 'REMOTE',1003,190, 8/23/2016, 10),

    ('12', 'REMOTE',1003,190, 8/23/2016, 20),

    ('13', 'ASSIGN',1004,2, 8/23/2016, 1),

    ('14', 'TRAVEL',1004,111,8/23/2016,20),

    ('15', 'TRAVEL',1004,111,8/23/2016,20),

    ('16', 'REMOTE',1004,111,8/23/2016,20),

    ('16', 'REMOTE',1005,190,8/24/2016,10),

    ('17', 'TRAVEL',1005,190,8/24/2016,10),

    ('18', 'TRAVEL',1006,180,8/24/2016,10),

    ('19', 'REMOTE',1006,180,8/24/2016,10),

    ('20', 'TRAVEL',1007,180,8/24/2016,10),

    ('21', 'REMOTE',1007,180,8/24/2016, 10),

    ('22', 'REMOTE',1008,190,8/24/2016, 20),

    ('23', 'REMOTE',1009,180,8/25/2016, 20),

    ('24', 'REMOTE',1010,180,8/26/2016, 20),

    ('25', 'REMOTE',1011,180,8/27/2016, 20),

    ('26', 'REMOTE',1012,180,8/28/2016, 20)

    CREATE TABLE inc_data (incident_id int,Rep1 char(1), Rep2 char(1),Rep3 char(1),Res1 char(1), Res2 char(1),

    Res3 char(1))

    insert into inc_data values

    (1001, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n'),

    (1002, 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n'),

    (1003, 'y', 'y', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n'),

    (1004, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n'),

    (1005, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n'),

    (1006, 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n'),

    (1007, 'y', 'y', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n'),

    (1008, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n', 'n', 'n'),

    (1009, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y'),

    (1010, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y'),

    (1011, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y'),

    (1012, 'y', 'y', 'y', 'n', 'n', 'n')

    My Query:

    SELECT i.usr_id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN id.Rep3 = 'y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS RespBreach,

    MAX(CASE WHEN id.Res3 = 'y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ResBreach,

    COUNT(DISTINCT i.incident_id) as CallCount,

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.act_type = 'TRAVEL' THEN a.service_time ELSE 0 END) AS Travel_Time,

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.act_type = 'REMOTE' THEN a.service_time ELSE 0 END) AS Remote_Time,

    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS similar_inc_count

    FROM (SELECT inc.item_id

    FROM incident inc

    WHERE inc.user_id = i.user_id

    GROUP BY inc.item_id

    HAVING COUNT(inc.incident_id) > 1)

    ) inc

    ) AS similar_Call

    FROM incidents i INNER JOIN

    inc_data id

    ON i.incident_id = id.incident_id INNER JOIN

    actions a

    ON i.incident_id = a.incident_id

    WHERE i.date_logged BETWEEN '2016-08-20' AND '2016-08-29'

    GROUP BY i.usr_id;

    Expected Result:

    usr_idRespBreach ResBreachCallCountTravel_TimeRemote_TimeSimiler_Call

    111 1 0 2 140 50 0

    180 4 3 6 20 100 5

    190 3 0 4 85 90 2

    (As per my query , when join incidents and inc_data i can sum() or count RespBreach and ResBreach. But after joining actions to it (1:many relation) i can't do this anymore.

    Help me on this...

  • Looks like you are having a problem with the "Similar_Call" column but I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish...or at least your logic.

    I've broken part of the table below to simplify things regarding the column you are trying to create. What is your logic for getting 0, 5 and 2 Similar Calls respectively for the sample data given?








    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • I think this is what you want, but with the data supplied, the code below is producing slightly different results.

    Get used to using APPLY for subqueries, just like you would a table valued function.

    SELECT i.usr_id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN id.Rep3 = 'y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS RespBreach,

    MAX(CASE WHEN id.Res3 = 'y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ResBreach,

    COUNT(DISTINCT i.incident_id) as CallCount,

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.act_type = 'TRAVEL' THEN a.service_time ELSE 0 END) AS Travel_Time,

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.act_type = 'REMOTE' THEN a.service_time ELSE 0 END) AS Remote_Time,

    max(isnull(sim.similar_inc_count,0)) as Similar_Call

    FROM #incidents i

    INNER JOIN #inc_data id ON i.incident_id = id.incident_id

    INNER JOIN #actions a ON i.incident_id = a.incident_id

    OUTER apply (SELECT COUNT(*) AS similar_inc_count

    FROM #incidents inc

    WHERE inc.usr_id = i.usr_id

    GROUP BY inc.item_id

    HAVING COUNT(inc.incident_id) > 1) sim

    WHERE i.date_logged BETWEEN '2016-08-20' AND '2016-08-29'

    GROUP BY i.usr_id;


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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