Joining one table with two others

  • I have four tables for billing purposes, tblInvoices, trelInvoiceItes, tblItems, tblInvoicePayments. My goal it to use one sproc to return the invoice amount (SUM(tblItems.strCost)) and the amount already paid to the invoice (SUM(tblInvoicePayments.strAmount)) Hopefully you can figure this out but the invoice table is connected to the items table by trelInvoiceItems and the invoice payments table is directly connected to the invoice table with the invoice id. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Joe Wright

  • create a stored procedure with three parameters: @InvoiceNum, @InvoiceTotal, and @InvoicePayments

    in your sproc you need to write two sql queries, one to get the Total Invoice:

    SELECT @InvoiceTotal=SUM(b.strCost)

    FROM trelInvoiceItes a,

    tblItems b

    WHERE a.Invoiceid=@InvoiceNUM

    AND a.ItemId=b.ItemId

    the other query is to determine the total payments made;

    SELECT @InvoicePayments=SUM(a.strAmount)

    FROM tblInvoicePayments a

    WHERE a.InvoiceId=@InvoiceNum

  • Can you post some DDL to be sure we get this right?

    I think you want a single result set, correct?

    select sum(a.strCost)

    sum( b.strAmount)

    from tblItems a

    inner join tblInvoicePayments b

    on a.treinvoiceitems = b.treinvoiceitems

    does not work?

    Steve Jones

  • Sorry about being so ambiguous. I do want to have one result set. Here are the two statements i currently use:

    This adds up the cost of all items for an invoice.

    SELECT tblInvoices.intInvoiceID, SUM(tblItems.curPrice) AS strCost

    FROM tblInvoices INNER JOIN

    tblInvoiceItems ON tblInvoices.intInvoiceID = tblInvoiceItems.intInvoiceID INNER JOIN

    tblItems ON tblInvoiceItems.intItemID = tblItems.intItemID

    WHERE (tblInvoices.intInvoiceID = 88)

    This adds up the payments.

    SELECT i.intInvoiceID, SUM(ip.strAmount) AS strAmount

    FROM tblInvoices i LEFT OUTER JOIN

    tblInvoicePayments ip ON i.intInvoiceID = ip.intInvoiceID

    WHERE (i.intInvoiceID = 88)

    GROUP BY i.intInvoiceID

    This is my first time using this forum and i'm starting to really appreciate it. Thanks guys.

  • You could union these if you did not need the sums on the same row. If you do, then I would use each of these as a sub-select. that's the simplest. Could be more efficient, but I'm a little busy.

    select a.intInvoiceID

    , strCost

    , strAmount

    from (



    , SUM(tblItems.curPrice) AS strCost

    FROM tblInvoices INNER JOIN

    tblInvoiceItems ON tblInvoices.intInvoiceID = tblInvoiceItems.intInvoiceID INNER JOIN

    tblItems ON tblInvoiceItems.intItemID = tblItems.intItemID

    WHERE (tblInvoices.intInvoiceID = 88)

    ) a

    inner join (

    SELECT i.intInvoiceID, SUM(ip.strAmount) AS strAmount

    FROM tblInvoices i LEFT OUTER JOIN

    tblInvoicePayments ip ON i.intInvoiceID = ip.intInvoiceID

    WHERE (i.intInvoiceID = 88)

    GROUP BY i.intInvoiceID

    ) b

    on a.intInvoiceID = b.intInvoiceID

    Steve Jones

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