join to make 1 Fact Table

  • hi!

    i have 6 tables that contain data that has to be sum or counted: t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6

    All tables relate to t1.

    How do i join them to form 1 Fact Table?

    t1: - Needs to be counted

    t1.Amount - needs to be sum

    t2: - Needs to be counted

    t2.Amount - needs to be sum


    t3: - Needs to be counted

    t3.Amount - needs to be sum


    and so on...

    iv'e tried to join them with Full Outer but then the cube sums and counts double and triple and more on some records.


  • Can you try the following query:

    SELECT tt1.ID, tt1.ID_Count, tt1.Amount, tt2.ID_Count, tt2.Amount, tt3.ID_Count, tt3.Amount -- and so on...


    (SELECT ID, COUNT(ID) AS ID_Count, SUM(Amount) AS Amount

    FROM t1

    GROUP BY ID) tt1


    (SELECT t1ID, COUNT(ID) AS ID_Count, SUM(Amount) AS Amount

    FROM t2

    GROUP BY t1ID) tt2

    ON tt1.ID = tt2.t1ID


    (SELECT t1ID, COUNT(ID) AS ID_Count, SUM(Amount) AS Amount

    FROM t3

    GROUP BY t1ID) tt3

    ON tt1.ID = tt3.t1ID


    -- and so on...

    I used Inner Joins, but depending on how you want to treat missing values you can use Left Outer Join where appropriate.

    Let me know if it works...

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  • Koen Verbeeck:

    i need to be able to filter on all the tables so i can't sum or count in the view.

    i need all the records in the cube.

    thanks for your reply!

  • Not sure I completely follow your requirement to 'filter every table' but one approach, that will give you the full recordsets from each table, could be written like ...

    SELECT ID, COUNT(ID) AS ID_Count_1, SUM(Amount) AS Amount_1, 0 AS ID_Count_2, 0 AS Amount_2 FROM t1 GROUP BY ID


    SELECT t1ID, 0 AS ID_Count_1, 0 AS Amount_1, COUNT(ID) AS ID_Count_2, SUM(Amount) AS Amount_2 FROM t2 GROUP BY t1ID

    So, notes on this code:

    - it is obviously working across only the first two tables (i got lazy), but the logic holds for all six, simply add more columns to each query, making sure you zero out the columns *not* related to the current table

    - you could leave it 'as is' and allow SSAS to aggregate on the [t1]ID, alternatively, wrap the entire thing in another query, where you group on ID and then sum every field. This has the effect of 'merging' the records, per ID, but keeping the totals values for each particular 'section' (ie 2, 3, 4 etc).



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