join statement

  • i have 2 table let say table A and table B.

    A have values 1,2,3

    B has values 1,2,4

    i want query using joins which give all values like:





    normally joins fetch matching or non matching data .. but how to get over this.

    And this has to be achieved only by joins.

  • Full Outer Joins -

    declare @t1 table (SomeId int)

    declare @t2 table (SomeId int)

    insert into @t1 values (1), (2), (3)

    insert into @t2 values (1), (2), (4)

    selectisnull(t1.SomeId, t2.SomeId) as SomeId

    from@t1 t1

    full outer join @t2 t2 on t1.SomeId = t2.SomeId

    - Nate

  • thanki SSC

  • Hi,

    declare @t1 table (SomeId int)

    declare @t2 table (SomeId int)

    insert into @t1

    Select (1) Union all

    Select (2) Union all

    Select (3)

    insert into @t2

    Select (1) Union all

    Select (2) Union all

    Select (4)

    Select SomeId from @t1


    Select SomeId from @t2

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