Join Query

  • Hi Forumer's

    I have a query that required to join 3 tables.


    1. I need to pullout all records from OpenPO table and check the itemid and ponumber if exist from purchase.

    2. if exist the records in purchase table i would like to create a column for RPOrderQty and RPOpenQty.

    3.Join tthe purchtable by PONumber and get the vendreference and place it into POReferencenum. this means no PO yet created.

    I could not figure out the exact result w/c should be like my sample result below.

    should be like my sample below.

    THank you in advance and your reply is very much appreaciated.

    Data Structure:

    Create table #OPENPO (Itemid nvarchar(20), POReferenceNum nvarchar(35), PONumber nvarchar(35), USQtyOrder int, USQtyOpen int) INSERT #OPENPO VALUES

    ('LGE1879','PO00008028','PH0057842',600,600), ('LGE1879','PO00007908','PH0057727',400,400)

    Create table #Purchase (Itemid nvarchar(20), POReferenceNum nvarchar(35), PONumber nvarchar(35), RPQtyOrder int, RPQtyOpen int) INSERT #Purchase VALUES

    ('LGE1879','PO00008028','PH0057842',600,600), ('LGE1879','PO00007908','PH0058227',400,400), ('LGE1879','PO00007908','PH0057727',400,400)

    Create table #Purchtable (PONumber nvarchar(35), vendref nvarchar50) INSERT #Purchtable VALUES ('PH0057842','Aug FC (Marquee)'), ('PH0058227','Aug SB (LS855)'),

    ('PH0057727','LS855 Sept FC')

    Sample Result:





    LGE1879--LS855 Sept FC------------------------------------------PH0058227----400----------400

  • What have you tried so far in getting your result?

  • Post the query you're working in and we'll take a look at it and advise.


  • Here is my Query and it's already working. Thank you guys for the reply.



    ,COALESCE(o.POReferencenum,u.vendref) AS POReferencenum

    ,p.PONumber AS UPSONumber



    ,p.PONumber AS RPPONumber

    , p.RPQtyOrder

    , p.RPQtyOpen

    FROM #Purchase p

    JOIN #Purchtable u ON


    LEFT JOIN #OpenPO o ON


    and p.ponumber=o.poNumber

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