Join Issues

  • Hi Ed

    We need to get to the bottom of why so many records are being returned first, I think.  This is almost certainly because of the fact that you have a many-to-many relationship in one of your joins (eg the same serviceid appears multiple times in both Services and Actuals).  The best way to track this down (if you don't know off the top of your head which relationship is causing the problems), is to build up the joins one at a time, checking the returned record counts as you go.  As your primary table is Services, I would start with that one - I imagine the returned record count should remain static as you add the joins.



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thanks for the reply Phil.

    It seems that if I do a left join with any one of the tables, I get back the expected number of rows for that particular join.  The problem starts as soon as I add another table to join to. I don't know if I am doing the multiple joins incorrectly.  I guess I am wondering if in the same select statement I can do the join between the Services table and each one.  The joins are not really dependent on each other as I have had in the past.

    i.e.  . . . from services s left join actuals a on s.serviceid=a.serviceid left join flash f on f.someid=a.someid . . .

    This join is almost as if it is 3 separate joins (statements) that I am trying to do all at once.  I am not sure if I am making sense or not.

    Thanks, Ed

  • When you have multiple joins, the resulting record count will be the product of all the duplicates in all tables.

    For instance if you have a central table with joins to two other tables, and one row in the main table matches 10 rows from one table and 10 rows from the other table, there will be 100 rows in the results with all possible combinations.


  • Is there any way to get around this?

  • Maybe. To get rid of any duplicate records that are being returned by your query, try using

    select distinct

    instead of just select.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • It's probably safe to assume that all the Amount and Comment columns are distinct, so SELECT DISTINCT would not affect the row count.

    The only way to "get around" it is to analyze what you're looking for.  If a particular value of ServiceID has 5 records in Actuals, 5 in Flash, and 5 in Forecast, the correct result is 125 rows.  If that's not what you're looking for then don't join the tables.

    Is there some additional relationship between the tables that will limit the rows returned?  You can specify multiple join conditions to eliminate unwanted results:

    select ...

    from a

    join b on =

    join c on =  and c.id2 = b.id2

    Do you just want summary amounts from your other tables?  Use subqueries to group the data from the subordinate tables.  This query will only return one row per serviceid:

    select a.serviceid, ActualTotal, FlashTotal, ForecastTotal

    from services a

    left join (

        select serviceid, sum(amount) as ActualTotal

        from actuals where <date criteria>

        group by serviceid) b on a.serviceid = b.serviceid

    left join (

        select serviceid, sum(amount) as FlashTotal

        from flash where <date criteria>

        group by serviceid) c on a.serviceid = c.serviceid

    left join (

        select serviceid, sum(amount) as ForecastTotal

        from forecast where <date criteria>

        group by serviceid) d on a.serviceid = d.serviceid

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