• Hi experts,

    create table temp


    FlightName varchar(20)

    ,SegmentID int


    ,DeparturePlace varchar(20)

    ,DepartureDate datetime

    ,ArrivalPlace varchar(20)



    insert into temp

    select 'KL123',1,'kl123a','aaaa','03/30/2011 02:15','cccc','03/30/2011 03:15'union all

    select 'KL123',2,'kl123b','cccc','03/30/2011 03:30','dddd','03/30/2011 04:15'union all

    select 'KL123',3,'kl123c','dddd','03/30/2011 04:30','bbbb','03/30/2011 05:15'union all

    select 'KL126',1,'kl126a','dddd','03/30/2011 03:15','bbbb','03/30/2011 04:15'union all

    select 'KL126',2,'kl126b','bbbb','03/30/2011 04:30','cccc','03/30/2011 05:00'union all

    select 'KL128',1,'kl128','aaaa','03/30/2011 01:15','dddd','03/30/2011 03:45'

    select * from temp


    KL1231kl123aaaaa2011-03-30 02:15:00.000cccc2011-03-30 03:15:00.000

    KL1232kl123bcccc2011-03-30 03:30:00.000dddd2011-03-30 04:15:00.000

    KL1233kl123cdddd2011-03-30 04:30:00.000bbbb2011-03-30 05:15:00.000

    KL1261kl126adddd2011-03-30 03:15:00.000bbbb2011-03-30 04:15:00.000

    KL1262kl126bbbbb2011-03-30 04:30:00.000cccc2011-03-30 05:00:00.000

    KL1281kl128aaaa2011-03-30 01:15:00.000dddd2011-03-30 03:45:00.000


    KL123 flight has 3 segments(aaaa-cccc ,cccc-dddd,dddd-bbbb)

    KL126 flight has 2 segments(dddd-bbbb ,bbbb-cccc)

    KL128 has only one segment(aaaa-dddd)

    segment means Break journeys

    Expected output:


    KL1233aaaa2011-03-30 02:15:00.000bbbb2011-03-30 05:15:00.000

    KL1262dddd2011-03-30 03:15:00.000cccc2011-03-30 05:00:00.000

    KL1281aaaa2011-03-30 01:15:00.000dddd2011-03-30 03:45:00.000

    Please help me in a query


  • Solution 1:

    select FlightName , NumberOFsegmets = COUNT(SegmentID)

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DeparturePlace from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID) DepartPlace

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DeparturePlace from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID DESC) ArrivalPlace

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DepartureDate from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID) DepartDate

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DepartureDate from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID DESC) ArrivalDate

    from temp outer_temp

    Group by outer_temp.FlightName

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your response

    My expected output


    KL1233aaaa2011-03-30 02:15:00.000bbbb2011-03-30 05:15:00.000

    KL1262dddd2011-03-30 03:15:00.000cccc2011-03-30 05:00:00.000

    KL1281aaaa2011-03-30 01:15:00.000dddd2011-03-30 03:45:00.000

    your query output:


    KL1233aaaadddd2011-03-30 02:15:00.0002011-03-30 04:30:00.000

    KL1262ddddbbbb2011-03-30 03:15:00.0002011-03-30 04:30:00.000

    KL1281aaaaaaaa2011-03-30 01:15:00.0002011-03-30 01:15:00.000


    ArrivalPlace and ArrivalDate not matching with my expected output

  • Copy paste error bro 🙂

    here is the corrected code:

    -- solution 1

    select FlightName , NumberOFsegmets = COUNT(SegmentID)

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DeparturePlace from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID) DepartPlace

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.ArrivalPlace from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID DESC) ArrivalPlace

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.DepartureDate from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID) DepartDate

    , (select top 1 inner_temp.ArrivalDate from temp inner_temp

    where inner_temp.FlightName = outer_temp.FlightName

    order by inner_temp.SegmentID DESC) ArrivalDate

    from temp outer_temp

    Group by outer_temp.FlightName

  • Thank you

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