Join another table but with select conditions

  • Hi,

    I have this sql....


    DISTINCT p.dbPatID, p.dbpatfirstname, p.dbPatLastName,

    s.dbSchTypeCnt as SchDetailType, t.dbSchTypeCnt as SchTypeType,

    ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,


    ISNULL(s.dbSchDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbSchDate,

    ISNULL(s.dbSchTypeCnt, '0') AS dbSchTypeCnt,


    ISNULL(rc.dbRecDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbRecDate,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecType, '-') AS dbRecType,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecCom, '-') AS dbRecCom


    Patient p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s on s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t on s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc on p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    --(r.dbStatusDesc IN ('') OR '' = '')

    AND s.dbSchDate <= GetDate()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharged'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'TC Disch'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharge FTA'

    and I want to join another table, Appointments a on a.dbPatCnt and a.ClientRef as well to include a.dbPatApptTime as LastVisitDate and a.dbSchTypeDesc as LastVisitDesc.

    however, I only want the lastest a.dbPatApptTime and only when a.dbPFStatus = 1 and a.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    So the stand alone sql could be....

    Select Top(1) dbPatApptTime as LastVisitDate, dbSchTypeDesc as LastVisitDesc

    from appointments

    where dbPFStatus = 1 and clientref = 'EPS'

    order by dbPatApptTime desc

    I'm just not sure how to incorporate that into my sql or whether there is a better way,


  • Hi,

    Try using Cross Apply:


    -- ...



    FROM -- ...



    Select Top(1) a.dbPatApptTime as LastVisitDate, a.dbSchTypeDesc as LastVisitDesc

    from appointments as a

    where a.dbPFStatus = 1 and a.clientref = p.clientref

    order by a.dbPatApptTime desc

    ) as a

    WHERE -- ...

    Hope this helps.

  • thanks.

    adding just that Cross Apply code to the bottom of my existing where statement brings back the same lastvistdate and lastvisitdesc for all rows.

    I think I need to be able to join with the appointments on dbpatcnt and clientref AND only get the row that has the most recent date and the desc

  • Complete an utter stab in the dark. . .





    s.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchDetailType,

    t.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchTypeType,

    ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,


    ISNULL(s.dbSchDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbSchDate,

    ISNULL(s.dbSchTypeCnt, '0') AS dbSchTypeCnt,


    ISNULL(rc.dbRecDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbRecDate,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecType, '-') AS dbRecType,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecCom, '-') AS dbRecCom,

    -- New columns



    FROM Patient p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s ON s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt

    AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t ON s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt

    AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc ON p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt

    AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    a.dbPatApptTime AS LastVisitDate,

    a.dbSchTypeDesc AS LastVisitDesc

    FROM appointments a

    WHERE a.dbPFStatus = 1

    AND a.clientref = 'EPS'

    -- Join condition here, I've guessed

    AND a.dbPatID = d.dbPatID

    ORDER BY a.dbPatApptTime DESC

    ) ca

    WHERE --(

    --r.dbStatusDesc IN ( '' )

    --OR '' = ''

    --) AND

    s.dbSchDate <= GETDATE()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharged'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'TC Disch'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharge FTA';

    If that's not what you want, have a read through this article -->

    It explains how to best ask a question, including how to give sample data πŸ™‚

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  • I've tried this - just on one dbpatcnt = 9678 and it brings back 12 rows all with different LastVisitDate and LastVisitDesc. What I require is for the sql to only bring back the row with the latest LastVisitDate.


    DISTINCT p.dbPatID, p.dbpatfirstname, p.dbPatLastName,

    s.dbSchTypeCnt as SchDetailType, t.dbSchTypeCnt as SchTypeType,

    ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,


    ISNULL(s.dbSchDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbSchDate,

    ISNULL(s.dbSchTypeCnt, '0') AS dbSchTypeCnt,


    ISNULL(rc.dbRecDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbRecDate,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecType, '-') AS dbRecType,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecCom, '-') AS dbRecCom,

    a.dbPatApptTime as LastVisitDate,

    a.dbSchTypeDesc as LastVisitDesc


    Patient p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s on s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t on s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc on p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Appointments a on p.dbpatcnt = a.dbpatcnt AND rc.ClientRef = a.ClientRef AND dbPFStatus = 1


    (r.dbStatusDesc IN ('') OR '' = '')

    AND s.dbSchDate <= GetDate()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharged'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'TC Disch'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharge FTA'

    AND p.dbPatCnt = 9678

  • So that suggests that this is the condition you want on the apply





    s.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchDetailType,

    t.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchTypeType,

    ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,


    ISNULL(s.dbSchDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbSchDate,

    ISNULL(s.dbSchTypeCnt, '0') AS dbSchTypeCnt,


    ISNULL(rc.dbRecDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbRecDate,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecType, '-') AS dbRecType,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecCom, '-') AS dbRecCom,

    -- New columns



    FROM Patient p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s ON s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt

    AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t ON s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt

    AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc ON p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt

    AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    a.dbPatApptTime AS LastVisitDate,

    a.dbSchTypeDesc AS LastVisitDesc

    FROM appointments a

    WHERE a.dbPFStatus = 1

    AND a.clientref = 'EPS'

    -- Join condition here, I've guessed

    AND p.dbpatcnt = a.dbpatcnt AND rc.ClientRef = a.ClientRef

    ORDER BY a.dbPatApptTime DESC

    ) ca

    WHERE --(

    --r.dbStatusDesc IN ( '' )

    --OR '' = ''

    --) AND

    s.dbSchDate <= GETDATE()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharged'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'TC Disch'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharge FTA';

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  • Hi, yeah I just tried that and it works if I include the specific AND p.dbPatCnt = 9678 but the query just runs for ever without it.

  • I've found this similar problem/solution but am unclear on how to apply to my code

  • mattech06 (3/24/2015)

    I've found this similar problem/solution but am unclear on how to apply to my code

    That is doing the same thing as what has already been suggested, pretty much. You'd write it like this: -





    s.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchDetailType,

    t.dbSchTypeCnt AS SchTypeType,

    ISNULL(r.dbStatusDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbStatusDesc,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeCode, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeCode,

    ISNULL(t.dbSchTypeDesc, 'No Ref') AS dbSchTypeDesc,


    ISNULL(s.dbSchDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbSchDate,

    ISNULL(s.dbSchTypeCnt, '0') AS dbSchTypeCnt,


    ISNULL(rc.dbRecDate, '1899-12-30') AS dbRecDate,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecType, '-') AS dbRecType,

    ISNULL(rc.dbRecCom, '-') AS dbRecCom,

    -- New columns



    FROM Patient p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s ON s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt

    AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t ON s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt

    AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc ON p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt

    AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT MAX(a.dbPatApptTime) AS LastVisitDate,

    MAX(a.dbSchTypeDesc) AS LastVisitDesc,


    FROM appointments a

    WHERE a.dbPFStatus = 1

    AND a.clientref = 'EPS'

    GROUP BY a.dbpatcnt

    ) ca ON ca.dbpatcnt = p.dbpatcnt

    WHERE --(

    --r.dbStatusDesc IN ( '' )

    --OR '' = ''

    --) AND

    s.dbSchDate <= GETDATE()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharged'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'TC Disch'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc != 'Discharge FTA';

    I can't imagine that'll be faster than the previously stated query.

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  • That's almost correct thanks! I get the expected row count and correct LastVisitDate but the LastVisitDesc is wrong.

    I've tried it without MAX for LastVisitDesc and putting it into the group by instead but get a load of duplicate rows.

  • mattech06 (3/24/2015)

    That's almost correct thanks! I get the expected row count and correct LastVisitDate but the LastVisitDesc is wrong.

    I've tried it without MAX for LastVisitDesc and putting it into the group by instead but get a load of duplicate rows.

    Can you change it back to a TOP 1, e.g.


    a.dbPatApptTime AS LastVisitDate,

    a.dbSchTypeDesc AS LastVisitDesc,


    FROM appointments a

    WHERE a.dbPFStatus = 1

    AND a.clientref = 'EPS'

    ORDER BY a.dbPatApptTime

    ) ca ON ca.dbpatcnt = p.dbpatcnt

    I think that is logically what you want to do.

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  • Changing that back to TOP 1 brings back all nulls for LastVisitDate and Desc apart from one row.

    I can see why I had the wrong LastVisitDesc using MAX as it works alphabetically and just brought back the one beginning with Z.

    So almost there πŸ™‚

  • mattech06 (3/24/2015)

    Changing that back to TOP 1 brings back all nulls for LastVisitDate and Desc apart from one row.

    I can see why I had the wrong LastVisitDesc using MAX as it works alphabetically and just brought back the one beginning with Z.

    So almost there πŸ™‚

    Change it to a MIN then?

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  • That would just bring back the first alphabetical one and not the one that's on the same row of the maxdate one.

    This does work - it seems a bit messy and the processing time isn't great but at least it's a working soln that I can build on.


    SELECT a1.dbPatApptTime AS LastVisitDate,

    a1.dbSchTypeDesc AS LastVisitType,


    FROM appointments a1



    SELECT MAX(a.dbPatApptTime) dbPatApptTime,


    FROM appointments a

    WHERE a.dbPFStatus = 1

    AND a.clientref = 'EPS'

    GROUP BY a.dbpatcnt

    ) a2

    ON a1.dbpatcnt=a2.dbpatcnt AND a1.dbPatApptTime=a2.dbPatApptTime

    ) ca ON ca.dbpatcnt = p.dbpatcnt

  • -- Note that the filter on r.dbStatusDesc in the WHERE clause

    -- turns the left join on vw_ReferralKPIs into an inner join

    -- because it excludes NULL values of r.dbStatusDesc in the output.

    -- Either change to an INNER JOIN as shown here:

    SELECT ...

    FROM Patient p

    INNER JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r

    ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s

    on s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt

    AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t

    on s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt

    AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc

    on p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt

    AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    --(r.dbStatusDesc IN ('') OR '' = '')

    AND s.dbSchDate <= GetDate()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    AND r.dbStatusDesc NOT IN ('Discharged','TC Disch','Discharge FTA')

    -- or put the filter into the join:

    SELECT ...

    FROM Patient p

    LEFT JOIN vw_ReferralKPIs r

    ON p.dbpatid = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    AND r.dbStatusDesc NOT IN ('Discharged','TC Disch','Discharge FTA')

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchDetail s

    on s.dbPatCnt = p.dbPatCnt

    AND s.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SchTypes t

    on s.dbSchTypeCnt = t.dbSchTypeCnt

    AND t.ClientRef = p.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Recalls rc

    on p.dbpatcnt = rc.dbpatcnt

    AND rc.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    --(r.dbStatusDesc IN ('') OR '' = '')

    AND s.dbSchDate <= GetDate()

    AND p.ClientRef = 'EPS'

    -- Note also that DISTINCT will almost certainly add an expensive sort to the plan.

    -- Better to investigate why dupes appear in the output and deal with it in a more targeted and deliberate manner.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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