Join Access Data with SQL Data in SSIS

  • Hi,

    I have my Access table structure as follows

    AccountID useralias

    1 anm

    2 ghy

    3 reni

    4 mani

    I need to pass this AccountID Column and Useralias combination to AccountTeam table in SQL Server and fetch AccountTeamID

    Account Team Table Structure

    AccountID useralias AccountTeamID

    1 anm 1

    2 ghy 2

    3 reni 3

    4 mani 4

    1 raj 5

    1 rani 6

    1 fella 7

    If both the tables are in SQL server, i would do a join something like



    FROM Account a

    JOIN Accountteam at

    on a.AccountID = at.AccountID

    and a.UserAlias = at.UserAlias

    I know how to do this in SQL, but not sure when both the data sources are different..

    Please let me know if you need more details

    Thanks in Advance

  • You can use OLE DB sources to connect to both sources and fetch the data. Make sure you use ORDER BY queries and mark the join columns as sorted in the advanced editors of the source components. Then use a MERGE JOIN to perform your join in the SSIS dataflow.

    (the MERGE JOIN needs sorted input, that's why you need the ORDER BY clauses)

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  • Hi Koen,

    Thanks so much for the reply.

    we have around 2 lakh records in both Account and Account Team Tables,

    hence when we run the query and perform a merge join , it takes long duration.

    We need to take data from both Account and Account Team tables for only the Account ID and User alias combination, so that the time taken to execute this task would be reduced.

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