Join a query to a table

  • Hi, I can't seem to wrap my head around adding an additional column to this query.

    DECLARE @strValues varchar(8000)

    SELECT @strValues = COALESCE(@strValues+',', '') + name

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM Application) X

    SELECT @strValues as Result

    The query outputs a comma seperated list of all the applications in my environment.

    There is another table called application_instance that has applicationid and instanceid columns.

    I would like to list all the applications that are used by each instance of SQL Server. I think I have to join the first query to the second table so it can group by instance but I just can't seem to make it work because applicationid is not in the result of the first query.

    Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Thanks much,


  • Howard I think either of these two examples might get you where you want to go:

    see if these get you closer to your goal:





    FROM application_instance instz

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [Application] appz

    ON instz.applicationid = appz.applicationid

    --or if there is a lot of repeats in [Application]





    FROM application_instance instz





    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY applicationid,Name ORDER BY applicationid,Name) AS RW,



    FROM [Application]


    WHERE RW = 1 ) appz

    ON instz.applicationid = appz.applicationid


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks for responding Lowell.

    My goal is to have one row per instance that has a comma separated list of applications. To accomplish that I used to coalesce method in the top post but I'm not sure how to join the comma separated list and the instance number which comes from another table.


  • What about

    Select Distinct



    (Replace((Select ','+Name

    From Application

    where ApplicationId=appinst.ApplicationId

    FOR XML RAW),'<Row Data="',''),'"/>',''),2,4000) Data

    from application_instance appinst

    It may need a couple of tweaks, but should be pretty close.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Thanks Jason.

    I gave the row a name 'test' and then it ran.

    It adds a new row for each application.

    instanceid application

    417row test=",Application1

    417row test=",Application2

    418row test=",Application3

    instead of

    417 Application1, Application2

    418 Application3

  • PHXHoward (5/10/2011)

    Thanks Jason.

    I gave the row a name 'test' and then it ran.

    It adds a new row for each application.

    instanceid application

    417row test=",Application1

    417row test=",Application2

    418row test=",Application3

    instead of

    417 Application1, Application2

    418 Application3

    To add a label onto the're looking for an aggregate that concatenates grouped strings...MySQL has the built-in function GROUP_CONCAT for this type of work.

    Here's a SQLCLR solution for SQL Server:

    And here's a thread containing a T-SQL solution:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for the link! I always learn a lot. This SQL worked for me. It has a listing of Server, Instance, and associated applications.

    declare @data Table


    applicationid integer not null,

    instanceid integer not null


    insert into @data

    select distinct ai.applicationid, ai.instanceid

    from Application_Instance ai

    select, I.Name, r.concatenated


    (select distinct instanceid from @data) as AI


    (SELECT ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),

    FROM @data AS D

    join Application A

    on D.applicationid = A.ApplicationID


    D.instanceid = AI.instanceid



    PATH (''), TYPE

    ) AS GC (concatenated)



    -- Convert to VARCHAR from XML and remove leading delimiter


    STUFF(GC.concatenated.value('./text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, SPACE(0))

    ) AS R (concatenated)

    join Instance i

    on AI.instanceid = i.InstanceID

    join Server S

    on I.ServerID = S.ServerID

  • PHXHoward (5/10/2011)

    Thanks Jason.

    I gave the row a name 'test' and then it ran.

    It adds a new row for each application.

    instanceid application

    417row test=",Application1

    417row test=",Application2

    418row test=",Application3

    instead of

    417 Application1, Application2

    418 Application3

    Glad you found a solution, never quite sure about using CRL's as some DBA's can be a little funny about allowing them on their servers, especially if the source code is not available.

    With my solution all you needed to do was to change the Replace, so that it read,

    Select Distinct InstanceId

    ,Substring(Replace (Replace((Select ','+Name Test

    From Application

    where ApplicationId=appinst.ApplicationId

    FOR XML RAW),'<Row Test="',''),'"/>',''),2,4000) Data

    from application_instance appinst

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Jason, your solution, while it may produce the correct result, will inevitably perform very poorly when run against a large set of data. I would offer one tweak to trade DISTINCT in for GROUP BY, like this:

    Select InstanceId

    ,Substring(Replace (Replace((Select ','+Name Test

    From Application

    where ApplicationId=appinst.ApplicationId

    FOR XML RAW),'<Row Test="',''),'"/>',''),2,4000) Data

    from application_instance appinst

    group by InstanceId

    When done using a GROUP BY the sub-select in the SELECT-column-list will only be run once per unique InstanceId. In your query the sub-select is run for all InstanceId's, not just once per unique InstanceID, and then the DISTINCT is applied so it runs against a lot more data.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • PS Be careful with using the XML RAW method as escapes characters like ampersands and angle brackets to their XML-safe equivalents (namely &ampamp; , &amplt; and &ampgt;) so if you do not know your data and the escaping is not acceptable you would want to use the XML PATH, TYPE solution (see my earlier link to Paul White's SSC post).

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Jason,

    Your query still does not group the data into one row per instanceid.

    it looks like this:

    417 Application1

    417 Application2

    418 Application1

  • opc.three (5/11/2011)

    Jason, your solution, while it may produce the correct result, will inevitably perform very poorly when run against a large set of data. I would offer one tweak to trade DISTINCT in for GROUP BY, like this:

    Select InstanceId

    ,Substring(Replace (Replace((Select ','+Name Test

    From Application

    where ApplicationId=appinst.ApplicationId

    FOR XML RAW),'<Row Test="',''),'"/>',''),2,4000) Data

    from application_instance appinst

    group by InstanceId

    When done using a GROUP BY the sub-select in the SELECT-column-list will only be run once per unique InstanceId. In your query the sub-select is run for all InstanceId's, not just once per unique InstanceID, and then the DISTINCT is applied so it runs against a lot more data.


    This query can't run because:

    Column 'application_instance.ApplicationID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

  • PHXHoward (5/11/2011)

    opc.three (5/11/2011)

    Jason, your solution, while it may produce the correct result, will inevitably perform very poorly when run against a large set of data. I would offer one tweak to trade DISTINCT in for GROUP BY, like this:

    Select InstanceId

    ,Substring(Replace (Replace((Select ','+Name Test

    From Application

    where ApplicationId=appinst.ApplicationId

    FOR XML RAW),'<Row Test="',''),'"/>',''),2,4000) Data

    from application_instance appinst

    group by InstanceId

    When done using a GROUP BY the sub-select in the SELECT-column-list will only be run once per unique InstanceId. In your query the sub-select is run for all InstanceId's, not just once per unique InstanceID, and then the DISTINCT is applied so it runs against a lot more data.


    This query can't run because:

    Column 'application_instance.ApplicationID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    I don't have your environment or test data but I tested the technique in my environment and it works fine as described...just not as written apparently. I must have translated my query to your table and column names incorrectly. Point is...use the CLR or Paul White's T-SQL technique...they do not suffer from the escaping issue.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Here's a working demo with the GROUP BY that shows the escape issue:



    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#Data') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Data ;





    data VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

    ) ;


    -- Sample data

    INSERT #Data

    (id, data)

    VALUES (1, '1 & 2'),

    (1, 'a'),

    (2, '1 < 2'),

    (2, 'b'),

    (3, 'hello!'),

    (3, '2 > 1') ;


    -- show XML RAW technique



    SELECT ',' + data AS Test

    FROM #Data

    WHERE id =



    ), '<Row Test="', ''), '"/>', ''), 2, 4000) Data

    FROM #Data d

    GROUP BY ;

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for the feed back opc, especially on the Distinct vs Group By modification and the tips on XML escaping characters, based on the opening post I would have thought that the Application name wouldnt have escapable characters, though its always possible.

    The CTE is probably the rout I'd go down in the future, and try and stay clear of the CLR.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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