join 2 tables

  • Hi gurus,

    I have 2 tables --

    Table 1


    55041-000412 0 C01

    55041-000414653 18 NULL

    55041-000410 130 NULL

    100991-000176856 230 NULL

    100991-000181001 0 A01

    100991-000187209 25 P01

    100991-000176700 230 NULL

    Table 2 -

    Denial CodeDescription

    A01 Administrative information missing

    C01 Clinical information Missing

    E01 Eligibility

    P01 Price List related

    THe desired output is ---


    55041-0004148 Clinical information Missing

    100991-0001485Administrative information missing +

    Price List Related.

    Can some one giude me how to do this.When I group comes as separate line.

    Thanks a lot.

  • mathewspsimon (11/4/2008)

    Hi gurus,

    I have 2 tables --

    Table 1


    55041-000412 0 C01

    55041-000414653 18 NULL

    55041-000410 130 NULL

    100991-000176856 230 NULL

    100991-000181001 0 A01

    100991-000187209 25 P01

    100991-000176700 230 NULL

    Table 2 -

    Denial CodeDescription

    A01 Administrative information missing

    C01 Clinical information Missing

    E01 Eligibility

    P01 Price List related

    THe desired output is ---


    55041-0004148 Clinical information Missing

    100991-0001485Administrative information missing +

    Price List Related.

    Can some one giude me how to do this.When I group comes as separate line.

    Thanks a lot.

    Try this:

    select ClaimID, sum(ActAmount), Description as [Rejection Reason]

    from table1 t1

    left outer join table2 t2 on t2.DenialCode= t1.DenialCode

    group by ClaimID, Description

  • yes i tried that but it gives the following as output


    55041-0004 0 Clinical information Missing

    55041-0004 148 NULL

    100991-0001 0 Administrative information missing

    100991-0001 25 Price List Related

    100991-0001 460 NULL

  • Does this work?

    select ClaimID, TotalAmt, Description


    (select ClaimID, sum(ActAmount)

    from table1

    group by ClaimID) as Total

    inner join table1 t1 on t1.ClaimID = Total.ClaimID

    left outer join table2 t2 on t2.DenialCode = t1.DenialCode

  • Sir this does not work either.the description can be different for each claim i gues it has be concatenated or what?.i think pivot can be used but my db is 2005 but since it is migrated from sql 2000 so most of the features are that of sql 2000.May be case can be used but i am not sure how so I posed this question.

  • can some help me in this please

  • Try this:

    select Total.ClaimID, TotalAmt, Description


    (select ClaimID, sum(Amount) as TotalAmt

    from table1

    group by ClaimID) as Total

    inner join table1 t1 on t1.ClaimID = Total.ClaimID and DenialCode is not null

    left outer join table2 t2 on t2.DenialCode = t1.DenialCode

    Now you'll get two different rows for ClaimID 100991-0001 but that's because you've got two different rejection reasons for it.

  • hi karl,

    yes i know that and my objective is to achieve it as single row.can these be concatenated and shown in the output? this columns output need to be dynamically concatenated.

  • What you're seeking can be rather complex, but there are some things that might simplify it, depending on the overall objective. How is this data to be presented to the person requesting it? If it's web-based, you could easily handle multiple records for the same ID with procedural code in the web page. If the objective is to just generate a printed report, then I wonder if it would be important for the data viewer to know whether or not there was any part of the claim that WASN'T denied, so as to be able to differentiate between claim data that's a partial denial vs. a complete one. Also, is the number of possible denial reasons limited? Or, if there are, say, a large number of denial reasons for a given ID, do they really need to see them all?

    Once you ask these questions of your data requester (or of yourself if you already know the answers), let us know. There are many ways to achieve this, but knowing what data is important and what isn't might go a long way toward making this as simple as possible.


    (aka smunson)


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • If you don't mind using a user defined function, you could create one like this:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ClaimDenialReasons


    @ClaimId INT





    DECLARE @Description VARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT @Description = CASE WHEN @Description IS NOT NULL THEN @Description + ', ' + Description

    ELSE Description END

    FROM table1 AS t1

    INNER JOIN table2 AS t2

    ON t2.Denial_Code = t1.Denial_Code

    WHERE t1.ClaimId = @ClaimId

    RETURN @Description


    And then yoiur SQL statement would be:

    SELECT ClaimID,

    SUM(ActAmount) AS TotalAmt,

    dbo.udf_ClaimDenialReasons(ClaimId) AS DenialReasons

    FROM table1

    GROUP BY ClaimID

  • Hi sean,

    your solution is good,at least it gives one outpurt/claim id but the problem is the description seems appear what I mean is instead of "Clinical .. ' to appear only C appears also for other denial description.Can u suggest how i can overcome this.








  • It seems I had a small bug in the udf code I posted. The return statement of the udf should be RETURN VARCHAR(4000) instead of just RETURN VARCHAR. It should work properly once you update that statement.

  • You can use the STUFF function instead of creating your own function.

    Like this:

    -- first create some sample tables with data



    ClaimID VARCHAR(20)

    , ActivityCode INT

    , ActAmount INT

    , DenialCode CHAR(3)


    INSERT INTO @Table1

    SELECT '55041-0004', 12, 0, 'C01'

    UNION ALL SELECT '55041-0004',14653,18,NULL

    UNION ALL SELECT '55041-0004',10,130 , NULL

    UNION ALL SELECT '100991-0001',76856 , 230,NULL

    UNION ALL SELECT '100991-0001',81001, 0 ,'A01'

    UNION ALL SELECT '100991-0001',87209, 25 ,'P01'

    UNION ALL SELECT '100991-0001',76700, 230 ,NULL



    DenialCode CHAR(3)

    ,[Description] VARCHAR(50)


    INSERT INTO @Table2

    SELECT 'A01' ,'Administrative information missing'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'C01', 'Clinical information Missing'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'E01', 'Eligibility'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'P01','Price List related'

    --first get all of the fields we need into a cte

    -- this is just to make our code cleaner

    ;WITH All_Info AS


    SELECT ClaimID

    , ActAmount

    , [Description]

    FROM @Table1 t1

    LEFT JOIN @Table2 t2 on t2.DenialCode= t1.DenialCode


    -- now compute our data

    -- add all the account amounts per claim id

    -- use the stuff function to concatenate the description

    SELECT ClaimID

    , SUM(ActAmount) AS TotalAmount

    , STUFF(

    (SELECT ' ' + [Description] + ','

    FROM All_Info B

    WHERE A.ClaimID = B.ClaimID

    FOR XML PATH('') )



    ,'') AS RejectionReason

    FROM All_Info A

    GROUP BY ClaimID

    BTW, you'll get better answers if you post DDL and sample data like I did in this example 😉

  • thanks works.

  • Great! Thanks for the feedback, Mathew 🙂

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