Jobs that missed their schedule

  • We have many, many jobs scheduled to run in SQL Agent.

    It is becoming a common problem that we want to arrange downtime, and some job that was due to run at X o'Clock failed to run because we had the server down.  Not that we have downtime that often, but that when we do have it, it is getting increasingly difficult to ensure that we do not miss some job's scheduled time.

    Unlike most job scheduling systems, SQL Agent appears, if you miss one scheduled run time, to simply wait for the next.  It doesn't run "late" when it comes back.

    Has anyone else found this to be a problem, and more significantly has anyone got a script handy that could be periodically run to see if a job missed its scheduled run?


  • Maybe you can get on the road with this :

    (its a script I use to gather backup-job-info)

    -- alzdba dd 08/01/2004

    -- request Backup-job info

    set nocount on

    -- check BOL

    select substring(case server

       when '(local)' then @@servername

       else server

        end, 1, 30) as Server

    , JobName

    , last_run_date

    , last_run_time

    , Sum_last_run_duration

    , freq_type

    , frequence

    , Units_freq_subday_interval

    , freq_subday_interval

    , freq_relative_interval

    , freq_recurrence_factor



    select substring( J.originating_server , 1, 30) as server

    ,substring(, 1, 30) as JobName

    ,min(RIGHT(JS.last_run_date+1000000000000000000,8)) as last_run_date

    ,min(RIGHT(JS.last_run_time+1000000000000000000,6)) as last_run_time

    ,sum(JS.last_run_duration) as Sum_last_run_duration

    , min( case S.freq_type

     when 1 then 'Once'

     when 4 then 'Daily'

     when 8 then 'Weekly'

     when 16 then 'Monthly'

     when 32 then 'Monthly*'

     when 64 then 'At SqlServer Start'

     else '??????'

      end ) as freq_type

    , min(case S.freq_type

     when 1 then convert(varchar(20),S.freq_interval)

     when 4 then convert(varchar(20),S.freq_interval)

      when 8 then  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 1 = 1 then 'Su-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 2 = 2 then 'Mo-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 4 = 4 then 'Tu-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 8 = 8 then 'We-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 16 = 16 then 'Th-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 32 = 32 then 'Fr-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 64 = 64 then 'Sa'

              else '..' end

     when 16 then convert(varchar(20),S.freq_interval)

     when 32 then case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 1 = 1 then 'Su-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 2 = 2 then 'Mo-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 3 = 3 then 'Tu-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 4 = 4 then 'We-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 5 = 5 then 'Th-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 6 = 6 then 'Fr-'

              else '..-' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 7 = 7 then 'Sa'

              else '..' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 8 = 8 then 'Day-'

              else '...' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 9 = 9 then 'Weekday-'

              else '..' end

       +  case when convert(binary(2),S.freq_interval ) & 10 = 10 then 'Weekend'

              else '..' end

     when 64 then convert(varchar(20),S.freq_interval) + ' ???'

     else '??????'

      end ) as frequence

    ,min(case S.freq_subday_type

     when 1 then 'At the specified time'

     when 2 then 'Seconds'

     when 4 then 'Minutes'

     when 8 then 'Hours'

     else '???'

     end ) as Units_freq_subday_interval

    , min(S.freq_subday_interval) as freq_subday_interval

    , min(case S.freq_type

     when 32 then case freq_relative_interval  --int Scheduled job's occurrence of the freq_interval in each month when freq_type is 32 (monthly relative):

       when 1 then 'First'

       when 2 then 'Second'

       when 4 then 'Third'

       when 8 then 'Fourth'

       when 16 then 'Last'

       else '???'


     else '-NA-'

     end ) as freq_relative_interval

    , min(S.freq_recurrence_factor) as freq_recurrence_factor

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs J

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps JS

    on J.job_id = JS.job_id

    and JS.command like '%backup%'

    and J.enabled = 1

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules S

    on J.job_id = S.job_id

    and S.enabled = 1

    group by J.originating_server ,

    ) GroupSel

    order by JobName




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